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Ist es so richtig?
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Wurzel ziehen bei komplexen Zahlen?
Wir haben diese Frage hier Was nun, wenn a,b komplexe Zahlen sind – haben wir dann als Lösung eine Menge, etwa {a – b, b – a}?
But something like that. I am 56 and still know the necessary and sufficient conditions for maxima, turning points, etc. And I can still derive. Integrating makes something… But in doubt, Wolfram Alpha helps.
You don’t learn anything like that. It’s “beautiful” mathematics. That’s right for school. In practice, it is difficult to use because most of the relationships cannot be pressed into the representation of a polynomial function.
And where there is a proper mathematical approach, such as in theoretical physics or astronomy, one has to do it immediately with nichlinear differential equation systems which, in any case, can only be solved numerically with abundant computing power.
Curve discussion is mathematics for connoisseurs.
I can even prove the prime payment rate to de La Vallée Poussin… 🙂
I’m not T50 yet, but no, I can’t.
It’s not a loss in my everyday life. It would be worse, I could not calculate a fraction, percentage bill, three-piece, areas and volumes. 🙈
Only the differentials, because I only have the school up to 11. Class (G8).
Look at me reading wrong. Not intentionally, I’m sorry. Then I guess you have to figure out my answer.
Even with the best will not.
The mathematical possibility for me to be able to calculate areas under curves could have been useful in certain situations.
Of course. It’s not very complicated.
I loved that at school.
Yeah, because I’m very smart.
But I usually ask others only after the circular area depending on the radius.
Take 20-30%.
It’s funny.
Give me some refreshment.
Not more