An dhl packstation senden?

Jemand will ein paket an seine packstation gesendet haben. Wie erstelle ich da das etiket online. Wie gehe ich da vor. Finde dazu leider nichts.

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9 months ago

You create the label like a normal DHL shipping label.

It is important that you indicate the correct address.

Name of recipient


Packing station number of packing station

Postal code location

Like that:

Manfred Pattern


Pack station 157

12345 pattern city

The mail number and the number of the packing station must be reported to the recipient. Otherwise you will send the package as well as normal packages.

9 months ago

How to create the etiket online.

As shown:

9 months ago

If the receiver has entered the packaging station as a redirection, DHL will do this automatically. So the recipient is responsible for getting his package.

9 months ago
Reply to  Paulchn07

For this purpose, the recipient must be at least 18 years old, have registered with DHL, then be verified extra for the packing station (his data such as name, age etc. are checked by his ID), then he must wait for a letter from DHL, and only when he has finally unlocked his post APP, he can receive and pick up a package at all.

The addressing must then look like this:

First name Name
his post number
Packing station xxx

PLZ place (from the packing station)

There is neither a street nor a house number.

You can buy the label online at, enter the addresses there directly, and print it from there.

9 months ago gehts_50314#:~:text=F%C3%BCr%20den%20Versand%20eins%20Package,Address%20die%20Postnumber%20des%20Empf%C3%A4ngers.