An der 2. Ampel links?

Hey es ist eine doofe Frage aber ich bin noch Anfänger. Mein Fahrlehrer gibt manchmal Anweisungen wie „an der 2. Ampel links“ und ich weiß nie wann der richtige Zeitpunkt zum Spurenwechseln ist. Direkt nach der Anweisung linke Spur wechseln oder weiterfahren bis man an der 1. Ampel vorbeigefahren ist und dann Spur wechseln?

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2 years ago

Within the city you can change the track, there is no right-handed command.

you could also stay on the right track until shortly before bending

2 years ago
Reply to  peterobm

However, there is, only not for vehicles below 3.5 t zGM. The TE didn’t say what driving license he was doing.

2 years ago

Set left in front of the 2nd traffic light. You can also ask the instructor

2 years ago
Reply to  Mochi12

It only helps to change the driving instructors. Unfortunately, you do not have a lot of choice, because the “Corona Mountain” from the time when driving schools were not allowed to work must still be processed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mochi12

So a lousy teacher

2 years ago

Highest time to change the instructor!

2 years ago

Just for such questions, your instructor is there.