An alle Steuerfachangestellten… ich hab den null durchblick?
Leute ich bin am verzweifeln. Meine BH in der Firma ist am Arsch, die MA die das machen haben Mist gebaut, mein STB will den Job hinwerfen…
Ich sehe mir die konten an und versuche mich durchzuwusteln, aber nach 4 Stunden des prüfens friert mein hirn ein… Querverweise, verquickkungen und dann blockiert meine birne immer mehr bis nichts mehr geht und ich raus muss….
kann dann erst nach einer langen pause weitermachen… … irre einfach irre…
ich krieg die kriese, was mache ich falsch,
Tacheles instead of Smalltak!
Your description is not comprehensible.
First, the figures should be identified in your game
It’s about Entry into force– or Output calculations?
See the following principle:no booking without proof!
You say:
I don’t think so. I’d like to tell you why.
When do I have to send the sales tax pre-registration to the tax office?
How should the required sales tax pre-registration – have worked in your description?
You say:
the whole thing was given to an economic examiner and asked him to look in there, cost 1200€, he said the bookkeeping was superficial and not valid…. he found himself 5digit sums that are falsely booked…
It’s getting more and more adventurous.
An auditor – who can sometimes “review” and immediately locate misbookings in the 5-digit range will certainly not exist.
My personal opinion is:
I don’t know why you need to think about such stories.
Unfortunately, your shieldings are not realistic.
Good to know:
According to § 33 StBerG, tax advisors, tax agents and tax advisory companies have the task of consulting their clients in tax matters, of representing them and of providing assistance to them in the processing of their tax matters and in the performance of their tax duties. consultants,annual decrease%C3%BCssen%20and%20Lohn%2D%20and%20Conscriptions.
The rights and obligations of the tax advisor in the deferral of the mandate