An alle oldtimer Fans ist ein w124 mit om606 Motor selten und beliebt?
An alle oldtimer Fans ist ein w124 mit om606 Motor selten und beliebt und hätte ich noch gute sachsen ihn mit h Kennzeichen zu verkaufen
An alle oldtimer Fans ist ein w124 mit om606 Motor selten und beliebt und hätte ich noch gute sachsen ihn mit h Kennzeichen zu verkaufen
Hallo ich bin Landwirt und brauche ein Auto das ich auch im Feld fahren kann und was auch ein viehänger ziehen kann, ich habe gerade einen bmw x1 im Blick : Er soll 8400 kosten hat 252000 Kilometer und ist Baujahr 2013 und ist optisch in einem guten Zustand was sagt ihr? Ps mein erste…
Liebes Forum, ein Freund hat am 04.04.22 einen Peugeot 2008E bestellt. Unverbindlicher Liefertermin war der 15.06.22. Der Händler hat ihm damals gesagt, er soll realistisch mit Oktober 22 rechnen. Jetzt haben wir fast Februar und er hat immer noch keinen verbindlichen Liefertermin. Er will nicht vom Kaufvertrag zurücktreten, welche Möglichkeiten gibt es noch? Vielen Dank
Hallo! Ich spare derzeit um mein erstes Auto kaufen zu können und da fiel mir der Peugeot 206 cc ins Auge und wollte nun fragen ob jemand mit dem Auto Erfahrungen hat bzw ob es ein gutes auto ist oder was daran Nachteile sind und ob man damit auch lange strecken fahren könnte wie zum…
Also man macht das Auto an, aber nicht den Motor. Nach ein paar Minuten blinkt die Motorkontrollleuchte. Mir wurde gesagt, man solle dann losfahren oder eben den Wagen ausschalten. Gutes oder schlechtes Zeichen?
Hallo zusammen Ich habe seit einem Jahr die Autoprüfung und fahre seit dann einen Kleinwagen mit wenig Leistung. Ich bin nun auf der Suche nach einem anderen Auto. Und zwar gefällt mir der Toyota GT86 sehr. Ich habe jedoch in allen Videos und Berichten gesehen, dass das Driften sehr leicht ist, was mich als “Fahranfänger”…
Oder ist der wagen extra für den fil Angefertigt wirden? Dankee
The W124 are all possible but not rare. And with a 4-cylinder diesel they are not great. The models with 6-cylinders have been extremely high in recent years, while the 4-cylinders have become only moderately expensive.
I know but I haven’t found a w124 online with om606 engine and my equipment
Depending on the year of manufacture, this is a 300D or E300 diesel – which is about as popular as a BMW 525tds (E34) or a Opel Omega B 2.5 TD: These are old diesels that are for fans. The taxes are high and the H-mark is not always possible, and most 300s after up to 40 years are simply migrated and consumed – the pensioner has bought the 230E at that time, while the 300D was mostly brought to the line by many drivers over the years and one day was exported or scraped in bad condition with a lot of rust and high running performance. At the end of the 90s there was hardly anything under 150 to 200,000 kilometers on the market if you were looking for a 300D or E300 diesel; who wanted to have less kilometers had to take the 250 and also look for a good longer.
The 124 has passed his zenith anyway, because of “last real Benz” and so – the lovers are supplied. Last summer I sold a 94 E200 (Benziner) with new TÜV and clear traces of usage, but without real defects – for 1100 Euro to a friend who was looking for a cheap car to scrub. I would have just gotten a little bit more.
A value system is such an old 300’s only if it has a low running performance, a gapless checkbook, a good condition, no rust problem or an excellent after-painting and de-rossing with evidence for it and possibly a rare color – and therefore I do not mean a blue-black metallic with black fabric that is offered by types who want to zoom without hipster 124 as “very rare” Otherwise, this is just a very old used car.
Yeah, it looks like that. Doesn’t prevent many from asking for any fantasies, but as so often a clear gap exists between offer price and realistically paid prices.
Just because some models are in demand, all moon prices suddenly demand for any cucumbers.
I want to later with h license plate 4500 5000 and he is still a bit rare color also polar white and also he is still well painted by the familiar family
Such cars are always on the net.
My old E39 520i, which I passed on in 2020, was recently also on the net – I was the second owner and now the fourth who bought it for 1600 euros from my successor wanted 5900 euros for it after having it three or four weeks. I thought it was funny: he went down and down after he was online for several weeks – and whoever bought this thing did not do a favor. I only had trouble with it, my successor had to do a lot, and I know from him (we are well known) that the E39 also had some construction sites on sale for 1600 euros because of which he was also sold.
But there are still people trying to weigh up the model in gold – the days have only seen a 124 Limo with very small standard benzineer, manual switching, rather thin equipment in 08/15 grey metallic with at least 115tkm. This is supposed to have had a very clean, actually flawless condition according to description (…) but the 17,500€ called are simply more than alien to the world, because it is not even worth shaking… 🤦🏻 ♂️
Such offers are rare, but there are – I know one who is very well maintained with less than 100,000 kilometers, with checkbook, first hand and with genuinely fitable equipment and clean interior at 5500 euros and even that is already much though objectively fair. The market itself does not exist, especially since the 124s are no longer really relevant – the real fans have been supplied for years, even for convertibles, coupés and 320s, 400s, 420s or 500s, etc.
Mine is still ok I mean now not super rare I just wanted to ask if he is more popular than the others
But the well-known work in meuster operation
Polar white is not rare, that was the slightly “silver” white tone from model care in July 1993 compared to white Arctic (1984-1993). That was quite often the case, which the conservative client only bought because it didn’t cost an extra charge – whoever advertises it in the advertisement as “the same” makes himself ridiculous for real fans who are proficient.
4500 euros for the E300 diesel are only clear when it is good in shot with a few kilometers etc. and then you will find the right customer for it – and a repainting should be done by the expert with billing and then may cost almost 4500 euros, if it is done properly in the master’s business.
If you say “that’s what made a friend” you can believe that or not as a customer, it looks more like the cheap version and self-made.
I have an Audi 80 of 1988 in excellent condition as a small “spinny” for the summer; little kilometers, first hand, good equipment and all original, history largely present, checkbook complete, now also some new parts, simply a beautiful youngtimer that makes joy. value isn’t that much – but he makes fun without the end: if I were to sell it, I would get 2000 Euro with good luck – but I don’t even want it yet;-)
It can be compared with other forms of investment such as cryptocurrencies. The specific vehicle models are generally known today for many. Many want to make money as easy as possible today and jump on the train. Then garbage is put on the net, with the hope of anyone buying it. The typical behavior when many people get along from a market and break it. A typical speculation bubble. This has been observed in many places in recent years. Cryptocurrencies, cars, watches, real estate, even at Pokemon cards. Most of them fall naturally on their nose, but the market is quite overhypt and broken for a long period of time.
A normal W124 is not rare. Like any Mercedes, he enjoys a certain popularity, but it is not a rare highly sought-after collector’s vehicle, there are too many.
Certain models are popular. On the one hand, the coupes and convertibles, as they were built much less frequently and the very rare long version. Kombis are now more in demand than the limousines. Otherwise, the limousine is of course the rare engine variants, i.e. 500E, E500 and the E60 AMG. The typical taxi variant, sedan plus diesel is not so popular, but still a solid car that has its lovers.
Ok I haven’t found any om606 online
The OM606 came only later in the model history. Overall, however, more than 32000 vehicles were built. If I look fast at mobile, there are also some listed
Yes, with the 136 HP diesel… On mobile you can find 8 pieces, for example, without looking big within a minute. There are more on other platforms.
Yes only 300e and no E300D
Sure, both limousines and combination.
Yes but no 124
You just have to find someone who’s looking for something like that. Rare is a w124 itself not at all. But an E500 is already rough…
Possibly, but rarely. The number of approved vehicles should be significantly above 60,000.
I mean yes with my engine because online there is no at the moment to buy
With om 606 engine
Most of the people who still exist are driving outside Europe, but most of them are likely to have landed in the press. The engine is indestructible, but the rest of the vehicle is not
Indestructible the part. I guess nobody’s gonna give it to him.
Yes the 3 liters diesel
was that the 136 hp / 3 liter?