An ALLE Mädchen. Hast du in letzter Zeit zugenommen?
an euch Mädchen.
Hast du in letzter Zeit, sei es durch COVID oder auch einfach so, zugenommen?
Falls ja wie viel?
Und ging das schnell oder eher langsam und stetig?
Und hast du gemerkt, dass du dicker würdest oder hast du unbewusst einfach mehr gefuttert und dann später gemerkt, dass du runder geworden bist?😅
Und was ist bei dir dicker geworden?
Und das wichtigste: Gefällt es dir und möchtest du jetzt weiter zunehmen, abnehmen oder dein Gewicht so halten?
Vielen Dank.☺️
Not by Covid, but simply because of stress (Binge eating) and little exercise I have added 5 kg and have noticed that I have to do something about it. I pulled myself together and I took 5kg again. I’ve usually become thicker on the thighs, and a very small bite on the belly. I want to keep my weight.
Oh, great.
I’m glad you took off because you didn’t like it. 😅
I’ve been raising a lot of weight lately. This is not covid, but my friend. It went quite fast, within 3 months I had about. 20 kg added
Ohh, and how do you feel about your kilos?
And what has grown? 😉
No, I have neither increased nor decreased, I have kept my weight quite constant for a long time.
I’ve grown almost 12 kilos within a year and feel very good with it. Some kilos I’ve been fond of others by myself.
Ohh, that sounds great to 😊
I’m glad you took it.
How did your body change?
And do you intend to continue?😅
Well, my body has become even thicker. All well distributed.
I’m not getting involved. But don’t rule out what comes
Ohh, that sounds great to 😊
Yes everything has become bigger
Oh, okay.
That sounds great.
And has everything become bigger?😅
I have taken
Ohh, super🤗
How much?
And do you feel comfortable?😊
I smell a fetish….
No, why?🤔
I don’t know.