Amselnest umsiedeln?

Liebe Community,

ich hoffe unter euch sind ein paar Vogelkenner, denn es ist nicht ich, sondern diese kleine Amsel die bald ein Problem haben wird. Die kleine hat sich ausgerechnet unsere Gartentür zum Nisten ausgesucht und sitzt Tag ein Tag aus in ihrem Nest, weswegen es wohl mit den Eierchen nicht mehr lang dauern wird, bzw. Sind sie ja vielleicht schon da. An einem Nest erfreut man sich ja normalerweise nur unsere Katze hat Vögelchen zum Fressen gern und diese Tür mit ihren Streben ist natürlich wie eine Leiter zum Mitternachtssnack für sie. Wie kann ich die Amsel zum “Umzug” bewegen? Bzw. Kann man sie mit dem Nest irgendwie fangen und woanders wieder aufstellen? Die Mutter müsste ja zuhause sein, ansonsten findet sie es nicht mehr… Ich hoffe ihr habt mehr Ahnung davon als ich. Noch hat meine Katze sie nicht entdeckt, aber ich befürchte dass die Familie dran glauben muss sobald die kleinen anfangen zu schreien.

Liebe Grüße…

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6 years ago

The nest itself should stay where the Amsel built it. I’d rather make sure the cat can’t climb. For example, with thorny branches of roses or blackberries.

6 years ago

How can I move the Amsel to move?

Not at all.

If the nest is implemented, it is no longer present for the bird. This does not change if it would succeed in implementing the nest with both parents.

It would be located in the “wrong” environment and simply away for the animals.

Also “constructional” changes that protect the nest from the cat can cause the birds to give up the nest.

The cat would be much easier and safer.

6 years ago

Buy such a plastic plate in the construction market that is so smooth that the cat cannot climb on it and screw it in front of the wood. But be quiet and careful not to disturb the amsel so much. Otherwise, only the cat does not help to let out, but then still a cat from the neighborhood could go to the anvils to the collar.

6 years ago

Umsiedeln is not going.

But remove the cat’s release until the boys are tired, that would be feasible.

Otherwise, only the realization that nature is brutal and only the most addictive survives. Whoever builds his nest achievable for fress enemies has the lookout….then the bird has NO offspring this year.

Amseln are neither endangered from extinction nor on a hazard list.

As much as your attitude honors you: Is it worth 8-10 weeks of your cat? Cats like to eat in the bud for protest…

6 years ago
Reply to  Dea2010

above all we hardly be the only opener in the area….

6 years ago

The Amselmama has actually chosen a great place. You can’t get off the back when I see that right on the picture?

I’m not so crafty now, but I’d put something very smooth or a net or something in front so that the cat can’t climb up. And the couple of days before the young birds flew, I would really lock the cat in at least the morning.

6 years ago

Block the cat

6 years ago
Reply to  Quaeror

no use – this is the neighboring cat or a marder or anything else

6 years ago

There’s nothing left to limit your cat’s freedom for a few days. She will survive if she is not allowed to leave the apartment for a few days or if she is allowed to stay on the long leash like a dog. But you can’t relocate the nest. It would not work, the Amsel would not accept it as their own nest, but would treat it as a strange nest.

6 years ago

You can’t relocate nest or bird. The easiest thing would be to remove it before eggs or Boys are in. It doesn’t matter to the Amsel, they build several nests. Maybe it can be noticed in time that this is not a good place and leaves it anyway.