Amerikanische Haferflocken in Deutschland?

Bei uns gibt es ja zarte und kernige Haferflocken und in den USA rolled oats, steel cut oats, instant oats, quick oats (hab ich was vergessen?) Und welche davon entsprechen jetzt den unseren?

Gezielt frage ich jetzt noch dazu, bzw sehr wichtig zu wissen wäre, was old-fashioned rolled oats in Deutschland entspricht. 😄


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6 months ago
  • (Thick) Role oats: oat grains squeezed by two rollers = kernel flakes (these are the “normal” oat flakes)
  • Thin rolled oats: Very thinly squeezed oat grains = delicate oat flakes
  • Steel cut oats: Steel cut oat grains = sliced for use in porridge (oats)
  • Instant oats: Very thin flakes made of oatmeal grainflour and can dissolve well in liquid = Instant oat flakes (Melt flakes)
  • Old fashioned rolled oats: The same as (Thick) Rolled oats = kernel flakes
  • Quick oats: Same as Thin rolled oats (quick cook) = delicate oat flakes (the name Quick oats is also sometimes used for Instant oats = Melt flakes)
5 months ago
Reply to  Emelina

Thanks for the star 🙂

6 months ago

Well, there’s a lot of marketing behind it.

“rolled oats” = oats

“steel cut oats” = oats

“Quick oats” = Especially thin/small oats which are soft faster.

Would now be rolled oats rather to assign the kernige and quick oats to the delicate oatsflcoken.

instant oats i jetz tnichts, according to google are probably simply ground oatsflcoken…

In the end, it should be a lot of marketing (how fast do oat flakes have to be through until they become “quick” oat flakes?! This is probably more likely to decide the marketing department than that really is behind it). Great names to bring oatmeal to the man/woman

PS: Rolled oats or old-fashioned oat are simply stinky 0815 hats (whether kernel or tender should be halfway anyway).