AMD Ryzen 7800x3d oder i7 14700k (oder neuer)?

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ich möchte mir einen Gaming-PC zusammenstellen und bin grade sehr ratlos bezüglich der CPU. Ich habe oft gelesen, dass Intel momentan schlechter sei als Amd. Ist der 7800x3d fürs Gaming aber auch Videobearbeitung und Musikproduktion sowie Streaming geeignet, oder sollte ich da zu einem anderen amd oder Intel Prozessor greifen?


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5 months ago

Better take a 12 or 16-core. Because gaming is also there, optimally a 7900x3d or 7950x3d.

My recommendation would be AMD.

5 months ago

if you want renders and everything, dfn also go nen 7900x3D or 7950x3D, but then please nem X670E board if right

OR You wait for the 9000s 3D, who should probably wear before Christmas

5 months ago

Better take the 7800x3d. You can also use it for video editing and so. One advantage is that it consumes less electricity. The current Intel socket is also dead. At Am5 you have more upgrade options. The General Intel issue should be known.

5 months ago
Reply to  Lucas750

Intel solved the problem. This does not affect newly purchased CPUs anymore. But you should still see if the installed Bios version is not older than August 2024. There’s a post August 24 bios on it. You’re right about the rest.

5 months ago

If the PC has to be right now, you should take a Ryzen.

But if he still has time, wait for the 15th gene of Intel, as the nen new pedestal brings for the next generations as well as further innovations.

The Intel processor is even a bit cheaper at the moment, but I wouldn’t buy it because of the problems (it can be that you get a hit, but that doesn’t mean that you get one that will be guaranteed). On the other hand, Intel has already extended the warranty for two years

My tip: First wait and see what Intel is doing (Intel is supposed to support with the 15th gene, e.g. up to DDR5-6400).

5 months ago

My recommendation: Wait till the new genes get out!
Intel publicly in the next days, AMD could publish shortly, or at the latest at the beginning of next year.

The 7800X3D is not the best for your music editing and video editing. The Multi Core performance is less great. At Games there is no better yet.
For multicore applications, the 14700K would be much better.

Therefore, you have to decide what is more important to you, content or gaming.

5 months ago

Generally speaking, the Ryzen 7 7800x3D is the best gaming CPU.

It’s just half the truth.

Depends on your graphics card and the resolution. In 1080p the Ryzen will beat the i7, in 1440p the differences are then no longer so great.

Other example: you have a 1660 as a graphics card, there would be very nice Personally, no gaming PC would build me right now.

The Ryzen 9000x3D as well as the new CPUs from Intel will appear soon. Wait as the CPUs are. The Intel socket 1700 will soon be replaced

5 months ago

Moin, currently and in the near future, Intel is not an option because the CPU’s give up the mind after about a year. AMD is more energy-efficient and now has a better price-performance ratio. For gaming, the X3D CPU’s are unbeatable and also good for everything else.

So: AMD Ryzen 7800X3D

5 months ago

In your case, a 7900x3d or 7950x3d more advantageous. If it were Intel, I would recommend a 14900K.

But when it comes to gaming, the 7800x3d is currently inviolable.