AMD Ryzen 5 5600 mit EVGA GeForce RTX 2060 SC GAMING kompatibel?

Würde diese Kombination fürs Zocken funktionieren, wenn nicht, welche CPU von AMD wäre die beste Alternative für die Grafikkarte? Ich habe ein Asus TUF Gaming B450-Plus II Mainboard. 

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4 months ago

Sure, that’s right. Basically, the Ryzen 5 5600 would also work well with stronger graphics cards in 1080p in graphics-loaded games.

Don’t forget to update the BIOS because the B450 boards don’t support Ryzen 5000 CPUs Out of the Box.

According to my research, the BIOS update on this board should work without a CPU.

Don’t you have a CPU for the existing board? For example, if a Ryzen 5 2600(x) or 2700(x) is already present, I would only upgrade to a 5600 if you shock CPU-intensive games and don’t get the FPS due to the CPU. Otherwise, these CPUs would be sufficient for the RTX 2060 for graphics-intensive things.

And if a Ryzen 5 3600(x), 3700X or 3800X is installed, I would leave it as it is. The extra power of a 5600 in games would usually not arrive at an RTX 2060.

If, on the other hand, no CPU is present or only one with 4 cores or those from the Ryzen 1000 series (which did not support Windows 11), then it is worth buying the Ryzen 5 5600, which has a good price-performance ratio.

But as I said, BIOS update if the 5600 is to be in.

2 months ago

6gb VRAM are too little, even for 1080p.

I wouldn’t start under 8GB, and even that’s too close

4 months ago


for gaming on Full HD the setup is quite useful. As an alternative graphics card from AMD, the RX 6600XT/6650XT, RX 6700XT/6750XT are recommended.