Ambulanz mit Blaulicht an roter Ampel?

Wenn jetzt eine Ambulanz mit Blaulicht durchfährt und an einer Ampel rot ist, kann die Ambulanz einfach durchfahren? Müssen dann die anderen Autos, welche grün haben, also warten?

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7 months ago

The right to drive over the traffic lights in red does not result from the blue light turned on, but from § 35 StVO:

(1) The Federal Armed Forces, the Federal Police, the Fire Brigade, the Civil Protection, the Police and the Customs Service are exempt from the provisions of this Regulation, in so far as this is urgently required to perform high-level tasks.

(5a) Rescue service vehicles shall be exempted from the provisions of this Regulation if the highest rush is required to save lives or to avoid serious health damage.

Other road users cannot see whether a vehicle is using these special rights. It should therefore be assumed, as a rule, that it has a good reason for vehicles to violate traffic rules.

That other road users have to wait or In order to enable a service vehicle to continue, space must be created. § 38 StVO and applies only if blue light and insert horn are used together:

(1) Blue flashing light together with the use horn may only be used if the highest rush is required to save human lives or to avoid serious health damage, to put a risk to public safety or order, to persecute volatile persons or to obtain significant material.
It says: “All other road users have to create free lane immediately”

Blue flashing light alone therefore does not arrange to create space. But often it makes sense to do that. For use vehicles sometimes have a good reason to dispense with the use horn, e.g. when approaching a site of use or simply not disturbing the night rest as far as possible. If I realize that an ambulance is driving over a red light only with blue light, I would still wait, even if the law does not demand it.

Blue flashing light alone otherwise serves the following, also in § 38 StVO For:

(2) Blue flashing light alone may only be used by the vehicles equipped with it and only for warning of accidents or other places of use, for use or for accompaniment of vehicles or for closed associations.

7 months ago
Reply to  AntonAntonsen

a very detailed and also 100% correct answer. You rarely read that about this topic. Thank you very much!

7 months ago

The ambulance must not go through “simple” but must pay particular attention to whether it is possible without danger, so it has been noticed that the other cars therefore comply with their duty to wait, and then, at appropriate speed, also in the case of red via the crossing.

7 months ago
Reply to  treppensteiger

And so is it

5 months ago
Reply to  treppensteiger

And if no place is made press air and nicely destroy the drums of the car drivers 🙂

7 months ago

The ambulance may happen with due caution to the intersection of red, they have to expect that someone who has green does not stop.

All the others have to stop and leave the ambulance by. If you cannot go to the side and otherwise there is no possibility to let the ambulance pass, you can also pass the intersection with appropriate caution in the case of red to make room for it.

7 months ago
Reply to  Topses

All the others have to stop and leave the ambulance by.

ALL must clear the way if §35 AND §38 StVO are used.
If you only use § 35 StVO, no one has to create freeway.

7 months ago
Reply to  Topses

And so is it

7 months ago

An ambulance driving with blue light obviously uses special rights. These allow him to pass red lights with due care.

The obligation to create free webs, also called “Wejuste” in the language of the word, exists in Germany only if the use horn (“Tatütata”) is also switched on. But yes, if a vehicle approaches blue light and horn, all other road users must create free lane. Also means that from a green traffic light it is necessary to wait if necessary to allow the ambulance to get through quickly.

7 months ago
Reply to  Bomberos911

And so is it

7 months ago

If an ambulance passes through with blue light and is red on an ampel, can the ambulance simply pass through?

You only have special and path rights if you use blue flashlight AND Martinshorn in connection.

§35 and § 38 StVO must be named here.

7 months ago
Reply to  Comp4ny

Ways only when both are used.

Special rights are assigned to the police and the fire department. Unbound.

For example, as a police officer, I can also drive with my private vehicle over red lights. I do not need a blue light or may not even use it on my car.

I can’t expect other road users to make room for me. That would be the righteous.

7 months ago
Reply to  PolNRW93

Waysonly when both are used.

Correct. I wrote, too.

For example, as a police officer, I can also drive with my private vehicle over red lights. I do not need a blue light or may not even use it on my car.

This is not apparent from § 35 StVO.

I do not need a blue light or may not even use it on my car.


7 months ago
Reply to  Comp4ny

Even with Martinshorn, an operating vehicle must not pass through, it must slowly move into the intersection and observe whether it is detected by the transverse traffic.

7 months ago
Reply to  HobbyTfz

It should be natural and logical.
Nobody said anything else.

7 months ago

You wrote “special and path rights”. However, a distinction must be made between the two. They are bound by different legal requirements.

I already wrote that.

Just like members of the voluntary fire department.

A difficult topic… an endless discussion for years.
It is true that members of the FFW take special powers, but not always due to the high risk of personal and foreign danger.

The command of a “penetrating haste” is decisive.

The journey to a TH, DZF, BMA, AUSN as an example almost never count here.
There are effective 1-2 “real” exceptions that allow to use special rights. A right to freeway has no FF`ler on the way to the equipment store. The basic prerequisite is always missing.

In other words, police officers, customs officers etc. have special rights due to the office

Correct. Officials are always in service and, in most cases, perform high-level tasks which may require urgent haste.

The police also only need to be able to use a “willing” special and road rights (if the vehicle has the equipment). She’s what she wants.

7 months ago

I wrote, too.

You wrote “special and path rights”. However, a distinction must be made between the two. They are bound by different legal requirements.

This is not apparent from § 35 StVO.

In fact, by the names in para. 1 sentence 1. Here is, unlike, for example, in para. 5aVehicles (a) not talking about vehicles. Instead, it says: “the Bundeswehr, the Federal police […].

In other words, police officers, customs officers etc. have special rights due to the office they hold. Not due to any vehicles or signalling systems.

How should it be different?

In certain situations, both police officers and fire brigade workers must be able to seek their service or place of use, using special rights. This applies to the police, in particular, to members of special units, which are called into an operation from home as part of their willingness to call. Just like members of the voluntary fire department.

7 months ago

Blue light and siren, then yes.

7 months ago
Reply to  Laberlutz

That’s not true. See my comment on the answer from Turboland.

7 months ago
Reply to  PolNRW93

… or if your answer explicitly refers to the waiting requirement of the other road users, you are right.

7 months ago
Reply to  Laberlutz

The vehicle then also has to slowly push into the intersection and observe whether it is detected by the transverse traffic

7 months ago

You can’t drive over red with blue light alone. Only with blue light and special signal ( Martinhorn) can you drive over red while taking into account the situation.

7 months ago
Reply to  Turboland

This is a widespread rumor, but completely wrong.

Both police officers and firefighters may due to their special rights Traffic rules disregard. These special rights are assigned to them by law and whether one uses blue light or blue light with Martinshorn or nothing from both, nothing changes at all.

We regularly drive to the police without turning on the blue light, over red lights if we e.g. on the way to a burglary where the perpetrator is still in place. Then we won’t be in front of red lights. And then, logically, we do not turn on the horn. Then we can call in the house right now, where we’ll break in and warn the perpetrator that we’re coming.

In addition, special rights are personal and non-vehicle-bound. So I don’t even have to sit in a police car as a police officer to make use of my special rights.

And employees of the voluntary fire brigade also drive to the fire station with their private vehicles at an excessive speed when they are alarmed in their spare time.

For more details, see AntonAntonsen’s answer.

2 months ago

that little children already know,

that special vehicles with signal horn and blue light always have ahead

7 months ago

Yes and yes.

7 months ago


In the case of a red light, use vehicles are only allowed to scan gently into the intersection. If they realize that they can be recognized by cross-border traffic they can cross the intersection. Anyone who drives in a green traffic light must be able to rely on the other to observe the green traffic lights and not to enter the intersection at red.

Greetings HobbyTfz

7 months ago

The other cars have to wait and possibly free the road.

7 months ago
Reply to  Nelson100

Only if § 38 is fulfilled.
§ 35 alone is not enough here.