Amazonbote stellt Lieferungen ins Erdgeschoss?

Hallo, ich wohne nicht im Erdgeschoss, der Amazonbote klingelt, ich melde mich, öffne Haus- und meine Wohnungstüre und warte darauf, dass mir das Paket überreicht wird, stattdessen höre ich meistens nur wie die Haustür wieder zufällt und niemand mehr da ist. Der Amazonbote hat das Paket auf die Treppe ins Erdgeschoss geschmissen und ist abgehauen und ich muss runterlaufen und es von der Treppe im Erdgeschoss holen, wo es den Weg blockiert. Ist das bei euch auch so?

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1 year ago

Maybe he had cold symptoms and didn’t want to take a risk.

It doesn’t always have to be laziness or stress that leads to such a behavior.

And no, it’s not like me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Smile401

I don’t know where you live, here doesn’t say a messenger, even the most stressed messenger isn’t pampty. Sometimes the stories are invented, which are told here.

1 year ago

Jein. This is different from messenger to messenger. Some are decent and run up the staircase, others leave the package below. If I’m not there, it’s already happening that I receive an e-mail in which the package gets the status “Supply” even though the package is not there at all when I come home. Then I have to take the time and declare everything. Sometimes it’s annoying.

1 year ago

Yes, I even mean having heard that is the pure cunning when bringing a package up to the apartment door that does not get the time spent. It is true that the package from the apartment door (i.e. the lower one, where everyone has to get into his apartment) is to be regarded as a service

1 year ago
Reply to  Smile401

This is about the delivery service of Amazon.

1 year ago

Completely normal and since Corona – when the delivery was carried out without a signature – the rule.

Most people don’t even ring yet, but just put it in front of the door.

The delivery of packages takes place – unless otherwise agreed – only until the front door

1 year ago
Reply to  Smile401

Ecotest is not a measure.

Packages are usually delivered to the front door. Everything else is cunning or contractually defined.

1 year ago

Amazon puts BIS to the front door. Also in conditions (packages from 40 kg can be agreed differently)

1 year ago

My Amazon deliverer has never stepped up. Shortly ring, and I’m just listening to the front door with luck. Sometimes I hear how packages are “packed”.

It could be interesting if I don’t have a home office, so the package can’t get right away and it disappeared in the afternoon.

1 year ago

You seem to have quite a problem with the mail, etc.

Be happy with Amazon. I’ve found the packages everywhere. Door in the rain, on the terrace, in front of the garage, on my car etc

1 year ago
Reply to  Smile401

Because he doesn’t want to drop the packages in front of the front door. How does the messenger know who’s at home?

In the case of the time pressure they have to stop, this procedure is also more than understandable.

1 year ago

Because you wrote about packages yourself. But after you obviously have problems with the mail, just as your first question suggests, they will forgive you that you get messed up

1 year ago

The Amazon messenger threw the package on the stairs to the ground floor

Because it’s about parcel deliveries in your post.

Letter mail is another construction site and there are other requirements for mail