Amazon Zahlungsänderung erforderlich?

Bekanntes Problem, weit verbreiteter Fehler von Amazon bzw. dem System.

Meine Frage ist jetzt jedoch, ob ich dies theoretisch ignorieren kann, oder ob sich das dann doch spontan legt und abgebucht wird?

Ich würde gerne ein anderes Amazon Konto von einem Freund verwenden, möchte dann logischerweise nicht zwei Mal bezahlen. Hat jemand Erfahrung?

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1 year ago

Why do you want to use a friend’s account?
You can ask the friend, something for you to order. However, if you log in to its own account, it might be that Amazon notices the “remd access” and either resets the password or requires a 2-step authentication, i.e. the LogIn release by SMS to the stored cell phone number or by email.

What exactly is the problem? How do you want to pay by debiting the account? Or with credits from a gift voucher?
In both cases, this will not change with you, but Amazon probably wants you to deposit a credit card.

1 year ago

Widely common mistakes to assume that something changes when you wait for Amazon.

Add your account Your Bank account. Maybe it works. Evtl also wants Amazon to have a credit card to ensure your full year.

Oh, yeah. With credits from vouchers, no other voucher can be purchased at Amazon. Why do I write that? Because in 9 out of 10 cases there is exactly this constellation.