Amazon Versand kostenlos bekommen indem man etwas zurück schickt?
Wenn man über 39€ bei Amazon bestellt wird der Versand ja kostenlos. Bedeutet das, dass wenn ich eigentlich nur etwas für 25€ kaufen möchte und einfach irgendwas für 15€ dazubestelle und das dann wieder kostenlos zurücksende, dass ich keinen Versand zahlen musste? Oder muss man den Versand im Nachhinein bezahlen?
Why don’t you just send that stuff to a pick-up station? Then shipping is also free.
In the shopping cart quite far up there is a small link for it.
But only take the DHL Packstation when you are fully registered and verified there, and the Post App is enabled. Otherwise you have the option to choose a DHL branch or a Hermes pick-up shop.
Yeah would work. Amazon, however, pays great attention and locks you as a customer / or Your address as a customer. In addition, many packages that are sent back are simply burned and destroyed. So don’t do it for the environment, please.
No, you don’t have to, but too often you shouldn’t.
What happens when you do that too often?
Can you do, after a few times your account will be blocked. Environment doesn’t matter to you anyway, the vans can send back and forth to save 3€ shipping. But don’t forget the next Fridays For Future Demo or stick to the Bundestag to pressure the evil government.
I recently ordered something that cost more than 39€ anyway, and then asked me if it would go theoretically, because that was actually something like a “cheat code”. I’ve never done this before and I didn’t have to do it specifically. I almost never order anything (that was the 2th time ever). Nevertheless, thank you for the tip with the environment, which I have actually not considered when I have considered, so really thank you for the hint. Nevertheless, I think you/you could have said that a little nicer:)