AMAZON produkt gekauft es funktioniert aber NICHT?was tun? Hilfe?

Habe ein ersatzakku für mein e scooter gekauft es funktioniert aber einfach nicht.

zurückgeben nicht möglich. Nur bei defekten und Beschädigungen ist eine Zurückerstattung möglich.

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2 years ago

If he doesn’t work, he’s broken.

If it is not an original battery (i.e. from the scooter manufacturer), but from a third-party provider, and this has specified that it should be comparable with your model, then the seller will be liable and you can specify this exactly as with amazon (foundation: product not as described) had already had a few times such cases with cables or headphones, always handled by Amazon super (either return, or in part I can just keep the item)

2 years ago

I’ve done it before. One has 1 month of time to return it and then gets the money back to his bank account within 2 to 3 days. Simply click Return then follow the steps.

2 years ago

For internet orders you have a 14-day right of return without the denomination of reasons. Turn to Amazon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mikromenzer

At Amazon actually 1 month.