Amazon Prime spinnt?

Hi, ich gucke momentan Shameless auf Amazon Prime und bin dezent verwirrt. Mir wird zwar angezeigt das die Serie Prime ist aber ich müsste trotzdem bezahlen um sie zu gucken. Ist das ein Buck oder kostet die jetzt echt was. Hatte das vielleicht jemand auch schon mal? Schon mal danke im vor raus 🙂

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2 years ago

What season is it? If you had a bug, you could also contact Amazon to see what it was and if it was a mistake you could get your money back. With me, all seasons and episodes are displayed as prime video, so all in prime are without additional costs.

Normally, the consequences are shown when there are episodes that are lacking in the series where the seasons are displayed behind the respective season the orange fake prime video, if that’s all the consequences when behind the season that is missing, it can be just one episode free but the remaining cost what.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annamwlena

What is the consequences? Is everything blue or orange? If blue, the result must be with Prime.

Everything’s going normal with me, and I won’t show anything to buy.

2 years ago

Then you should write Amazon to fix it.

2 years ago


I’m also looking at Shameless, with me all the seasons and episodes are free, have looked extra again. Did you check if you were logged in? That happened to me.


2 years ago

Can be good that only certain seasons or episodes are free.