Amazon Lieferung an Postfiliale?
Hi, ich möchte ein Amazon Paket an eine Postfiliale liefern lassen. Auf der Amazon Website konnte ich die Filiale zwar auswählen, aber wie identifiziere ich mich dann als Abholer? Bekomme ich eine Nummer von Amazon oder über meinen Namen? Muss ich mich noch irgendwo was angeben?
Danke für Antworten!
You select the branch and eventually you get an email (or in the app) that your package is ready to pick up.
You can pick it up with your ID card. (in super-similar cases, they want a package number, but they also share Amazon)
With your ID or passport in the postal branch
Okay, so I don’t have to say anything about Amazon?!
do not think
You already need to specify your name at Amazon, then choose a branch and then pick up with ID
Okay, thanks.
Think it won’t work like that.
At Amazon order, this is only from 18J allowed – no matter what is ordered.
If you’re trying to do this, you’ll be violating the Amazon AGB and have to face problems.
Maybe you’ll be locked and your money will be inaccessible.