Amazon Konto gesperrt; bekomme ich Geld zurück?

Hallo, mein Amazon Konto wurde gesperrt und ich muss jetzt eine Abrechnung anhängen. Ich bin noch minderjährig und habe bei Amazon bestellt, weshalb ich die Sperrung des Kontos nachvollziehen kann. Aber meine Frage ist jetzt, wenn ich die Anfrage ignoriere bekomme ich dann den Betrag meiner Bestellung wieder zurück überwiesen oder ist das Geld dann weg?

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7 months ago

If the order has been canceled and you have paid by direct debit, the money will be returned. If you paid by voucher, then not.

If the order is kept “floating” until you meet the document requirements, you don’t see your money again.

7 months ago
Reply to  fionamai

temporarily disabled sounds like not completely canceled, so you won’t get the money here again

7 months ago
Reply to  fionamai

That means that the order is suspended for so long, you’ve been charged with billing. Do you?

6 months ago

The money’s gone.

Since you are not allowed to have an account with amazon yet, and are not yet fully able to manage, I wonder how you could open the account with amazon.

Can then only have worked with false information (date of birth? external account?), which, of course, inevitably leads to a lock when it is flying up.

You still have two options:

  1. You pass all this to your parents as your legal representative. They can turn to amazons customer service and try to get the money back.
  2. You wait, are you 18 and then turn yourself to amazon and talk to them. Maybe you can use the account again. The chances for this are very low.
7 months ago

The money is gone