Amazon Identität bestätigen umgehen?
Habe auf Amazon immer Sachen mit Gutscheinen bestellt und zu Abholstationen liefern lassen als ich aber wieder was mit Guthaben bestellen wollte, wurde ich aufgefordert meine Identität zu bestätigen was ich nicht machen werde weil ich keine 18 bin, kann mir jemand sagen wie man das umgeht oder bei welchen Produkten das nicht so ist, weil ich auch nicht bei allen Sachen nach einer Identität gefragt werde. Es liegt übrigens nicht daran das die Sachen 18+ sind da ich eigentlich nur ganz normale Sachen kaufen wollte.
From time to time, Amazon demands a verification of the age regardless of what you order.
You can’t do that. You have two options:
1. Do not send the ID and do not use Amazon anymore.
Two. Send the ID and then you will be locked and can no longer use Amazon.
That’s how you don’t stick to their rules.
Didn’t have to send a foreign identity, but how do they want to know?
I didn’t recommend you. That’s why I wrote that you won’t use Amazon anymore.
Amazon has its IT systems. Something happened to you (and if it was the fact that you always paid with voucher, which does not normally adult).
Hello, ask your parents if they can buy it for you. You’re not allowed to do this alone, because you’re not going to worry about it.
At Amazon order, this is only from 18J allowed – no matter what is ordered.
You violated the Amazon Civil Code.
These rules are not for fun!
It’s good and right that you’re gonna get up and follow the consequences for you.
You are looking for support for your fraud intentions – this is illegal
The minimum age for amazon is 18 years. That doesn’t fit you, unfortunately, doesn’t change anything.
The amazon AGB also apply to you.
It’s because you don’t have a full business capability for minors in order to be able to conclude legally binding contracts independently.
Then everything’s okay and you could save the whole theatre.
That’s it for you with Amazon – I’m sorry!
You’re getting a lifetime Amazon sperm now! *no_joke
You cannot circumvent the verification and since you are not 18, you have violated the terms and conditions. As a result, you will be locked!
No, it’s not good.
Reading material for you Business skills: What can children buy under 18 on the Internet and what not? | Consumer
Do I not think the online order is 18?
yes, I think, because if you knew THAT, then this question would not ask here.