Amazon falscher name?

Hallo wollte was fragen nämlich habe ich was auf Amazon bestellt und ich habe anscheinend (ich weiß nicht wie)irgendwelche Buchstaben anstatt meinen Namen eingeben und jetzt stehen da halt so Buchstaben auf dem Paket und das Paket wurde halt in ein kiosk gebracht wo ich es halt abholen soll aber wie soll ich das machen weil man muss ja ein Ausweis zeigen und natürlich besteht mein name nicht aus irgendwelchen Buchstaben deswegen wollte ich fragen kann ich das Paket auch so abholen mit der Bestellnummer oder wie muss ich das machen

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5 months ago

I’d deal with Amazon or the seller.

5 months ago

Usually they should control your ID. But if there are obviously only any meaningless letters, they might give it to you.

Otherwise we’ll be back after a few days

5 months ago
Reply to  Geansebluemc49

Depends on the content.

For those who are from 18 are, weapons, alcohol, etc., Amazon lets the age check.

5 months ago

I’d just go to the package shop with the pick-up ticket and try it. If they don’t want to give it to you, I’d contact Amazon. If necessary, the package will be sent back and sent back again with your correct name.

5 months ago
  1. Correcting errors in the account, if necessary with the submission of a photo ID.
  2. You can try, I wouldn’t give it to you.
5 months ago
Reply to  Geansebluemc49

This is then sent back

5 months ago

They weren’t.

If I were a parent, I’ll order for my child. In addition, all my account is 18 years and older active, why I do not have any verification requirement.

In addition, a purchase contract would be “weaving ineffective” as long as you are minor and the KV exceeds the pocket money paragraphs.

Amazon AGB:

We do not offer products for purchase by minors. Our products for children can only be bought from adults. If you are under 18, you may use Amazon Services only with the participation of a parent or guardian.

Since Amazon cannot check this participation and you cannot prove it, it does not exist.

5 months ago

You are not entitled to order Amazon.

So there is no need for any help!

5 months ago

Say that from the front.

5 months ago

Öhem, why don’t you have ID?

5 months ago

The return is automatic.

Still go and describe the problem.

5 months ago

You are minor and must not even order Amazon.

At Amazon order, this is basically only from 18J allowed – no matter what is ordered.

And then another fake name? This is data falsification and identity fraud.

The consequences will follow. Try blocking and you won’t get the package.