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1 year ago

It’s been more common with me, and it always runs on the same scheme.

Amazon asks the logistics partner or is investigating its own research when it has been delivered by its own supplier or to have been hired. If the investigations do not yield any results, they will be reimbursed. In principle, it means that Amazon is reimbursed if the delivery cannot be clearly demonstrated, e.g. by signature of the recipient.

I once had the case that a deliveryman claimed he threw a very big package into the mailbox. It’s a bit thirsty and kind of stupid. Of course, Amazon has reimbursed here too.

I have already heard, however, that there have already been closures of buyers who had complained too often about a non-service in Amazon’s eyes. Whether it’s just a rumor or true, I can’t tell you exactly.

1 year ago

Die Überprüfung ist häufig teurer als die Rückerstattung.

Die Rückerstattung wird dann als Verlust abgeschrieben.