Amazon erlaubt mir nichts zu bestellen?
Guten Tag meine Freunde
ich wollte was auf Amazon bestellen, jedoch darf ich da nichts bestellen und darf auch kein neues Konto da erstellen.
Hat einer auch solche Erfahrung gemacht.
Guten Tag meine Freunde
ich wollte was auf Amazon bestellen, jedoch darf ich da nichts bestellen und darf auch kein neues Konto da erstellen.
Hat einer auch solche Erfahrung gemacht.
Ich habe viele Dinge in meinem Schrank und will Leuten etwas gutes tun. Darf ich Dinge kostenlos auf meiner erstellten Website hochladen – egal ob es Aufrufe bekommt oder nicht OHNE Gewerbe
ich habe einen UHD Fernseher von LG auf diesem ist Prime Video installiert. Filme die in UHD verfügbar sind, werden nur in HD abegspielt. Warum? Am Fernseher sind keine Soundbars oder Sonstige Geräte angeschlossen und ich habe ausreichend schnelles Internet
Hallo, Ich will mir ein neues Handy holen, und das beste angebot ist bei “novendu”, kann ich dieser seite vertrauen?
Hallo, ich habe an Weihnachten einen Amazon-Gutschein bekommen und wollte ihn für einen DLC einlösen, doch ich kann das Guthaben, obwohl es sich bereits auf meinem Amazon-Konto befindet, nicht für den DLC nehmen. Das Kästchen, in dem ich ein Häkchen setzen müsste, damit das Gutschein-Guthaben dafür verwendet wird, lässt sich nicht aktivieren. Weiß jemand, warum…
außerdem habe ich sehr interesse am verkaufen von online folower kann mir wer Tipps geben ?
Didn’t know this was happening. Did you send things back too often or do something unusual on Amazon?
No never sent things back.
It was always good.
No, I don’t know. But can I imagine that there are some things that have a blocking effect.
For example, incorrect information (age), too often ordered goods and sent back again, etc.
You should know what’s going on for you.
I often ordered something and never sent anything back.
I also checked all my data and everything is right.
I was always very happy.
You don’t have to give me any explanations, because I didn’t lock you up. :
Something has not happened to me, but I also use Amazon as a full-year and care for good sales.
Yes, it has already happened to some, you can read here again and again if someone wants to get help after a perma sperre that we cannot give.
As already written from other pages:
You must have done a lot.
Whether too many returns or missing goods, minors etc etc etc. – there can be so many reasons for it – and ONLY YOU can know why Amazon will block you.
So older than 18 I am.
And I have a net salary of over 1000€.
And in recent years, I have made good sales about Amazon, like a MacBook or a WII y.
At least 2000€ I have already brought sales to them.
Jo, this is it now. Amazon doesn’t want you as a customer, so stop ordering.
It doesn’t look like a real mail.
“We do not ask you to open new accounts, as there may be delays in new orders.”
This is a totally stupid statement.
A company also does not send “Friendly Greetings” or links with https, instead of https.
I’d look at the email header again.
However, if you are actually locked, it will probably have its reasons.
That can be quite. Amazon speaks to you personally!
Amazon addresses customers by name. I had a similar mail. Call customer service and explain it personally.
Has one also had such experience.
No; I have never sent anything back; give good reviews
But you must have done a lot!!
So I’ve been ordering this for years and I’ve always paid reliable on emergency insurance.
Never sent anything back.
Always satisfied.
Then I don’t know what’s going on, call the support and ask.
An email without a personal address can never come from the one she allegedly sent.
There’s some scam behind it. Probably hopes that you use the link. Then the rearmen can look out the access data.
Are you sure this email (?) is from Amazon? They’d call you. And use an https as a URL instead of only https.
So it’s a blue hack in the email.
That looks really good
Then log in with your data quite normally over the browser and see if it goes.
Are you underage? Then it’s probably about it.
Amazon has to do keien business with you just because you want to.
Yes So whoever does not want an average citizen from the middle class as a customer is bad.
In the future, I will give my money where different.