Hallo! Ich bin 14 und habe mir vor ungefähr 2 Jahren ein Amazon Konto gemacht. Ich kenne die e-mail und das passwort von meinem Acc, habe aber vergessen welchen Geburtstag ich eingegeben hatte. Meine Mutter hat mir Amazon Karte für 130€ gekauft und ich habe gerade 158€ auf meinem Konto. Wenn ich aber versuche etwas zu bestellen, wird mir angezeigt, dass ich meine identität bestätigen soll. Ein Screenshot kann ich nicht zeigen, weil es mir keine screenshots erlaubt. Wenn ich mich jetzt also idenfizieren will, wie soll ich das machen? Und was ist mit dem Geburtstag, den ich vergessen habe? 🙁
You created an Amazon account with 12? With fake date? And your parents still support this behavior? If I were Amazon, I would ask for damages and also block the other accounts. If you don’t stick to rules, get out!
Damage compensation for what? What damage has Amazon caused? Don’t always make such a drama here.
I’m sorry to hear you have problems with your Amazon account. It is important that you can confirm your identity to continue using the account.
Regarding the forgotten birthday, there are some steps you can take:
If you can’t find out your date of birth, you can try to contact Amazon’s customer service. Explain your situation and ask them for help in restoring your account. Maybe they need to request some additional information from you to check your identity.
It is important that you are honest and transparent when you talk to the customer service. They are there to help you, and the more accurate you explain your situation, the better they can help you.
Good luck! I hope you can use your account soon.
This is what happens when you store incorrect data somewhere. Bitter tuition, but you will never get access to this account and credit again.
Amazon is from 18, and the wrong entry of your date of birth does not change.
I have ordered more often on this Acc
Irrelevant. You will now require an ID document or deposit of a credit card.
There’s trouble. And right.
But now it’s not because Amazon smelled that there’s something lazy.
And now they seem to have come along, that something is wrong and want to examine your identity. I’d say bad luck.
Personally, I wonder what parents have to let their children order without supervision somewhere where you need wrong data?
Forgive me.
This week is getting better and better…
Not at all, it was for you at Amazon.
And criminal law is not without:
Click: StGB §263
Click: StGB §269
You can’t order anything from Amazon on your name yet!
Therefore, Amazon will block your account when they know your right age. Right.
I’ve ordered more often on this Acc, have I now spent 150€ UMSONST?
You are not yet able to work (which also confirms your Acc data). Therefore, you must not have an account with Amazon and do not even order it. Even if you’ve done this more often, Amazon has the right to block your account. In that case, the money would be gone. Yeah.