Amalgam füllung oder „Weiße Füllung“ bei Zähnen?

Welche Füllungen haben welche vor und Nachteile? Welche halten Länger etc… Was sind eure Erfahrungen?

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1 year ago

I would always have amalgam fillings or (expensive) gold inlays (also not ceramic inlays) made with In the non-visible area. For more than 30 years, I have 2 outstanding amalgam fillings that are still completely OK.

If you already have amalgam fillings (AM) in your mouth, which are not defective these must be n i c h t are exchanged. AM is not as bad as his reputation. If they have been worked cleanly and carefully, they are more durable than plastic or composite fillings and are long not as “dangerous” as many people accept and/or claim.

This is scientifically proven. For this reason AM fillings are not prohibited.

Only 0.002% of people have a proven AM allergy.

Plastic fillings usually cause significantly more allergies than amalgam – this is also scientifically proven.

In contrast, mercury vapors that can escape from amalgam are much more stressful (especially for ZÄ and personnel) – this happens when processing the amalgam, not with a cured AM filling that you have in your mouth.

By the way – Mercury is contained in food, especially in fish, crustaceans and sometimes also in drinking water.

Amalgam is not responsible for any health problem, even though this is mainly homeopathic. Let’s not forget: With the “execution” of AM, a lot of money is made.

One cannot give a recommendation which material is basically the best, which depends on the individual case. And in principle, of course, it is best to avoid caries through careful oral hygiene.

1 year ago
Reply to  Deichgoettin

Thanks for the star 🙂

1 year ago

Look, that’s a little on it. If you tend to caries or not so the teeth plaster, Amalgam is the best choice. If caries are rather rare the exception, a plastic filling is also okay.

I prefer amalgam as filling material, the biggest drawback many feel is that you see the filling. It doesn’t bother me, it’s better to keep the filling long, to inhibit secondary caries and to be chewing stable.

1 year ago

Amalgam fillings contain mercury. This may damage the organs and the body, among other things, leading to poisoning. Do not know any practice in my environment that works with Amalgam. Plastic fillings are adapted to the tooth color and do not contain toxic substances. There are also edge-resistant plastics for molars, praemolars, which meanwhile withstand chewing pressure. The disadvantage is that the cash register does not pay anything. And with large fillings plastic can break. Then you reach an inlay, onlay or a partial crown.

1 year ago

I can only recommend amalgam for the side tooth area, it is still the best material with the best cost-benefit factor.

And: the mercury in the amalgam is not more dangerous than the binders in the white fillings. The bottom line is both “toxic”… Amalgam, however, is far more compatible than the white fillings and it keeps much better, even if it has been processed sloppy… white fillings do not tolerate sloppy… and: they cost!

1 year ago

Amalgan = mercury content!


Just ask your dentist if he’s making amalgam fillings!

Has rejected my many years ago and the one who still wanted to call it an address of another dentist who still does.

1 year ago

White plastic with a certain surcharge is the best. Amalgam isn’t new anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  NeedForSpeed22

May no longer be used in Germany.

1 year ago
Reply to  SevenOfNein

There’s one thing that’s still… is a great material… it’s really bad talking…

1 year ago

Is probably still allowed in Germany, but forbidden for pregnant women. I’m not pregnant, but my dentist has yet advised. 😂