Am FKK Strand?

Darf man sich am FKK Strand gegenseitig am ganzen Körper eincremen oder ist das schon verboten? Und darf man dort kuscheln und/oder z.b Volleyball nackt spielen mit anderen? Und ist es dort häufig das man angeguckt wird? Gibt es ein mindest alter?

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2 years ago

Of course, you can use a nudist beach to cream each other (Popo don’t forget!), play volleyball together, build sand castles, let dragons rise and of course also cuddle! And there is no minimum age in my knowledge!

2 years ago

Of course, one can and should cream each other on a nudist beach. Mostly, there are places for a common volleyball game. In my knowledge, there is no minimum age for all these activities.

2 years ago

Yeah, it’s clear that you’re allowed to creme each other and cuddle. If it becomes too sexual, you shouldn’t be surprised when one or the other feels harassed. Otherwise no one has a problem with that. FKK volleyball is great and clearly you will be viewed.

2 years ago

So on the nudist beach you should do what you do to a normal beach. The only difference is that you don’t have clothing.

You can creme each other and play volleyball. But you should make sure you don’t do anything sexual there.

2 years ago

Yes one must not forget each other, genitals and buttocks (can say from our own experience that a sunburn is best not beautiful).

Cuddles should be fine to some degree, how to play the otherwise volleyball if not naked on the nudist beach? XD

A minimum age is not available, in the normal case it is not funny….. a lot of fun at the nudist ^^^

2 years ago

Of course you can.

There is no minimum age. However, one should turn on his common sense. You get there to relax and have a nice day. You don’t want to be armed and disturbed.

2 years ago

In the end, you can make all that on a naturist beach, which you can do on a textile beach. Just you’re not doing anything.

2 years ago

You can do everything that is allowed on the textile beach, just naked.

2 years ago

You may be ALL – except sex. Actions!

2 years ago
Reply to  PeterP58

You can’t photograph everything, for example you can’t photograph.

2 years ago
Reply to  JayCeD

You can’t do that in the city either… even if people are dressed!

2 years ago

If I keep the cell phone in the pedestrian zone and print doesn’t happen, no matter how many people are there. If I photograph the nudist beach, there’s more trouble.

2 years ago

That’s what you say! Can you go to the city tomorrow and photograph people… 😉

2 years ago

I don’t flee in the city center when I shoot my phone and take a wild picture.