Am Autoradio 12v anzapfen?
Hallo, ich würde gerne in meinen Wagen Innenraum Beleuchtung einbauen. Ich möchte aber nicht die Kabel sichtbar haben. Daher meine Frage, kann ich bei dem Audi Radio von dem 12v kabel strom ziehen und daran dann zb einen Spannungswandler auf usb anschließen oder passiert da irgendwas? Danke
Best not to take electricity from the radio, but at the bottom of the cigarette lighter 😀 This is more reliable and there nix can go wrong
To do this, place an extra secure cable from the vehicle battery to the voltage converter, then you are on the safe side. Ordinarily laid it is also not visible.
Addendum: It is precisely that it is not a voltage converter as I meant it. I wouldn’t go to the radio, at least to the cigarette lighter.
All right. Then I would either go to the memory function of the radio because I don’t need it anyway to the cigarette lighter
Why don’t you need a memory function? This is because the transmitter remains stored, for example.
Take it from the cigarette lighter, it has its own fuse.
If you don’t want to see the cables, take the cable that leads down to the lighter.