Altes Mofa / Moped – Kraftstoff ?

Hallo, ich habe ein altes Mofa aus der Scheune geholt und soweit alles neu gemacht. es handelt sich um eine Honda Camino DX müsste Baujahr 79 oder 80 sein.

Welchen Kraftstoff muss ich bei so einem alten Mofa tanken? Bei Honda auf der Seite stand was von unverbleiten Normalbenzin, welches ist das nun? Danke

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4 years ago

Hi, there’s no more leaded petrol today, so nix can make it wrong. Just take Super 95, which definitely works

4 years ago

Very normal Super 95.

4 years ago

Since today there is no longer a “normal gasoline” to buy, you take “Super / ROZ 95” and it is good. This fuel does not harm the engine, and more than ROZ 95 were at MOFAS BJ. 1979 / 1980 unusual .

Note the addition of two-stroke mixed oil directly into the fuel because your old two-stroke mode (Camino DX) does not have separation.

4 years ago

It is very big: models for unleaded normal gasoline (91oktan ). So quite normal, no super or superplus

4 years ago

There’s no more normal gasoline. But it’s great. Superplus would be expensive and unnecessary.

4 years ago
Reply to  Raven751

I also wanted to write