Altes KUNSTWERK zurück fordern?
Guten Abend Community,
vor ein paar Jahren (4-6?) habe ich im Kunstunterricht ein (für damalige Verhältnisse) kleines Meisterwerk geschaffen🤭. Mein Lehrer hat das Bild an den Hauptstandort meiner derzeitigen Schule verschleppt um es dort beim Elternabend an ne Pinnwand zu hängen (ich selbst wurde nur an der Zweigstelle unterrichtet). Erst war ich selbstverständlich sehr stolz aber nach einiger Zeit (und einigen Nachfragen) bekam ich mein Bild nicht zurück. Jetzt gehe ich schon lange nicht mehr an diese Schule aber ich vermisse mein Bild jeden Tag.
Meint ihr das Bild wurde vernichtet oder gibt es noch Hoffnung für mich?
eure Petra
Hello, Petra,
If you were so satisfied with a work a few years ago that you see it as a small masterpiece, then it is an image that tells you something and means – in this respect it is valuable for you – and perhaps also worth the effort to research it.
I would, however, try to get out of these thoughts, the teacher “moved” the image and thus did something inconsistent. The teacher did something that is quite normal for a teacher. He has made examples of good services that can also motivate other students accessible to others. That this makes you proud is right – stay with you.
I’d forgive the teacher next. The forgiveness has a liberating force. It helps you to think and act more clearly, and also to take appropriate steps to get the work either again (what I wish you) or to grow it if it should be lost.
If you want to talk to the relevant teacher, it will be very helpful if you forget beforehand. If you don’t do that, it can be that you’ll be irritated to the teacher and he’ll also be irritated. This would then result in deeper injuries that you will not forget your life. It wouldn’t be worth it. An artist can always create good works, and a good work should motivate him (or them) to continue working and improving himself. It happens that works are lost. This is not supposed to be undermined. The value of a work of art is the love that flows through the gift and the talent into the work – that is why images of children are often powerful and harmonious, because they originated from the unfaithful love of the child. The genius of the Master comes only later – and indeed the genius is often overrated. there are a lot of diligence and discipline and exercise in it.
Great success and all good
I don’t want to give you hope or give up the picture quickly.
Definitely ask for the picture again. Describe it as well as the circumstances under which it has been moved to the main site. Keep quiet several times until the secretariat and the headmaster know your name by heart. Drill with the responsible teacher if he’s still at school.
I don’t think it’s fair to keep a work made in class at school beyond the end of a school year. The exception would only be if the pupil agrees to this AND remains at school in the next school year.