Altert man schnell?

Hallo , sieht man älter aus als man ist wenn man nur 1 – 2 mal im Monat Fast Food , Süßigkeiten isst also viel an einem Tag aber man sonst auf eine gesunde Ernährung achtet ? Verzeiht der Körper es ? Weil es fällt mir schwer komplett auf leckeres Essen zu verzichten dennoch möchte ich lange jung aussehen.

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5 months ago

Hello Timeofficial09, 👋

you look older than you are when you are only 1 – 2 times a month of fast food, so candy eat a lot a day but you are looking for a healthy diet?

No, definitely not.

Excuse the body?

Yeah, you’re looking at a healthy one.

Nutrition and fortunately no longer smoke. 👍

Because it’s hard to miss out on delicious food yet I want to look young for a long time.

If you are not daily, or regularly

unhealthy, that’s all right. 🥳

LG 🙋🏻

5 months ago

Hello you don’t have to give up completely, but don’t overdo it! But I’m not interested in the appearance anymore because I’m on my way to the 84! I think who looks better than me, he can only be slimmed oooooder?

5 months ago

1 to 2 times a month will hardly affect.

In addition to nutrition, there are many other influences such as stress, sun radiation, lack of sleep, environmental poisons.

5 months ago

Hello there are several factors that play a role, can also lie on the genes as well as who has strong overweight, also ages faster. in people with underweight the aging process is slowing. I’ve seen a report on this, can tell you when you’re interested.