Alternative zur Zahnbrücke?
Gibt es nach der Zahnbrücke noch andere Möglichkeiten zum Zahnschutz?
Gibt es nach der Zahnbrücke noch andere Möglichkeiten zum Zahnschutz?
Hallo habe heute eine Zahnspange bekommen, allerdings kann ich nicht mehr richtig zubeißen wie vorher ohne Zahnspange. Ich komm nicht mehr mal an meinen ganz hinteren Backenzahn an wenn ich zubeiße. Sondern beiße ich auf den vorderen Backenzahn zu, wo sich die Mettalringe befinden. Außerdem fühlt es sich so an als würde ich auf die…
Hallo . mich stören meine 4 vordere Schneidezähne an sich sind die gerade etc. Jedoch find ich die nicht eben mäßig die ersten 2 Schneidezähne find ich zu groß und etwas lang, die 2 neben dran sind zu klein und die sind weder genau an der selben Stelle / Länge weder noch genau geformt. Ansonsten…
Und nein, ihr müsst mir jetzt nicht erzählen wie das mit einer Betäubung ist, antwortet einfach auf meine Frage. Wie ist das mit dem Einschlafen und Aufwachen? LG
Nicht ausspülen ? Wenn man ausspuckt da bleibt ja was im Mund man soll ja auch nicht verschlucken! Wie macht ihr ? Ich benutze wegen empfindliche zahnhals! Es steht putzen dann ausspucken !
Moin, Bekomme am Donnerstag all meine 4 Weisheitszähne entfernt. Leider ist das etwas ungünstig, weil nächste Woche ist unsere letzte gemeinsame Woche mit der Klasse, da die Klasse dann aufgelöst wird. Deswegen will ich unbedingt noch gegen Ende der Woche da sein. Ich habe gehört, dass es bei manchen nur 2-4 Tage schlimm war, bei…
Hab sie heute bekommen?
What do you understand under “Zahnschutz”.
A bridge is made only when one or more teeth must be replaced and implants are not possible or are not affordable for the patient.
Otherwise, if there is no longer much tooth substance, it is possible to grind (prepare) inlays, onlays, 3/4crowns, partial crowns or full crowns in a dental laboratory. Depends on how much of the tooth substance is missing. And from what material this “tear protection” is, is a pure question of money.
I had already asked another tooth protection because the teeth were ground, whether there is something else like a crown/branch bridge.
Why should teeth be reground when they are already? It is possible to pull the tooth in the same way when it should be ground constantly. And credentials will no longer help. If there isn’t much left of the tooth.
Don’t understand your comment. In your latest question, read that you have long since decided to remove the teeth/bridge.
You can’t see that. You should have explained that to your ZA. For dental reasons, a small post-preparation of already ground teeth is required. Preparation is not the same as preparation. Different crowns/bridge pillars need different preparations.
And no, your idea that you can pull your teeth right away is wrong, because it is only minimally reprepared, which doesn’t matter to the tooth. And “rigid” is also wrong. Because when a bridge is made, it is assumed that it lasts many years – sometimes even a lifetime.
Gerne – and thanks :-))
Okay. Thank you. Also all good for you
If you have any doubts with your future denture, please get a second opinion. This right is in all cases and it is also paid by the KK. All right.
Oh, well, enlightenment is good. I’m being clarified about nix, and I’ve also been clarified about anything in relation to the bridge or repreparation of the teeth :(but no matter that. I decided and the new question is correct, but I wanted to answer your questions:)
Tooth cuffs belong to the fixed denture. What is there to be protected? The alternative to bridges are implants. For implants, the neighboring teeth do not have to be ground, which is stupid if they are completely healthy.
Implants are usually possible without damage to other teeth, but they are harder to clean (I have heard).
they are not harder to clean, I myself have implants, but they are expensive.
Then tell the dentist who used this bridge to me I was not even cleared up about it and my teeth were healthy just to close this gap. But if I constantly have gum inflammation through this toothbrush, there must be something other than this bridge. Inflammations can also go to the heart.
Yes, there are implants. My dentist has enlightened me, without prejudice, and I now have the opportunity to decide – perhaps with the help of the oral surgeon I should look beforehand, to advise me what is going on with my jaw.
For now, I meant. I drew your way.
Why do I have to live with it? Somebody’s got to help me. I did not get any information in writing or oral. Well, for a complaint, it is first too late because already far over 10 years and the health insurance does not turn on an expert because according to the doctor there is no medical reason, but the problem is this bridge due to which this inflammation occurred at all. And that’s why I’m asking if there’s something else on tooth bridges than protecting the ground teeth.
The joke is you have to live with it now. Take a look at your dentist’s bill, whether there’s something that was calculated for clarification on the problems and risks.
If you have, you can complain to the doctor’s office. Maybe he already has a file because others complained. No doctor wants the medical chamber to look more closely. If you are the first, there is a beet and the next time it can lead to the recognition of apricotation.
I’m sure the doctor’s chamber can also call you a doctor who looks at the colleague’s footwork when it is.
With me the reconnaissance has completely missed and now I have these problems because if I had been enlightened I would never have done that but good that you were enlightened!