Alternative zu Einstreu? (Meerschweinchen)?

da mir das Streu überall und das ständige durch die Wohnung tragen davon wirklich auf die Nerven geht wollte ich umsteigen auf eine andere Alternative. Habt ihr da welche?

Habe es schonmal mit Fleecedecken probiert, das war aber auch eine Sauerrei, die zu waschen.

Freue mich über jede Idee:)

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2 years ago

Good morning, sand would also go, dear greeting

2 years ago
Reply to  Tarniabur

No, it doesn’t spark, because sand doesn’t absorb urine and is even more difficult to dispose of.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tarniabur

Nagerteppich from 100% hemp from Amazon. They are delivered in rolls.

2 years ago

If this was a mess with the fleece blankets, you made a fundamental mistake. Please read it carefully and get a rubber feather or an industrial vacuum. 😉

I wash all at 40 ° with full detergent and 10 ml vinegar essence as a softener additive. The A & O is the REAL sweeping of the mats and ceilings before the laundry. A sucker can fundamentally facilitate the work of the daily defectionery.

2 years ago

You can taste it with a cocossed drink. It is also very dusty, but it does not smell. And Teurer in the acquisition.

2 years ago

Try it with wood pellets, they’re harder and don’t stick like the stray.

Spartipp: Heating pellets from the building market are exactly the same as those for animals, but cost only a fraction.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deamonia

Wood pellets should never be used alone because they are very unpleasant for the feet. There’s a thick layer of straw over it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deamonia

They are unsuitable for guinea pigs. They cause insole ulcers, dry skin on the soles, dots and injuries, are uncomfortable and when consumed they lead to gastric and intestinal closure.