Alternative zahnkrone?

Bin 20 und der eine Zahn ganz hinten neben den rausgezogenem Weisheitszahn musste raus, weil 2 mal Zysten gehabt und davor Zahnwurzelbehandlung.

Ich hab Angst ein Implantat dort zu machen, am Ende entzündet sich wieder irgendwas. Alternativen scheint es auch nicht zu geben. Würde es ja so lassen aber dann wächst wohl der Zahn darüber.

Ich hab Angst. Jeder 5. Kriegt deshalb eine Entzündung..

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2 years ago

A crown on a non-existing tooth does not go. Except a bridge with a trailer. Is static but absolutely unpredictable.

There are also patients who are well suited with a shortened row of teeth.

Otherwise, really an implant, let you be well advised beforehand, best of a maxillary surgeon, who do so 100x a day;)

An implant needs just as much care as a normal tooth. And yes, something like that can ignite is called periimplantitis.

2 years ago

If the last jaw tooth is missing, it only remains to leave it or put an implant. Crowns can only be made on existing crowns. And an outdoor bridge is in this case not feasible for static reasons.

I’m scared. Every 5th wars an inflammation.

Normally, that’s bullshit and total bullshit.

Requirements for implants are an excellent oral hygiene. And that’s what I mean. This means that every day consciously brush/care the implant and regular control at the dentist. Also, the life of an implant is extended if you are non-smoker.

Let yourself be advised by a maxillofacial surgeon.