Alternative pill?


I've been taking the pill for six months. My doctor officially prescribes me Swingo 30, but the pharmacy only sells Asumate 30. I asked my doctor, and she said it has exactly the same ingredients, etc.

But this time, an employee at the pharmacy was kind enough to give me the Swingo again. I've been taking it for three weeks now and I feel so much better. My hormones and emotions are "normal" again. How can that be? They're supposed to be the same thing.

On the pink slips of paper there is a box that the doctor can tick so that you always get the same pill (without an alternative). How can I get this?

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2 years ago


you need to discuss with your female doctor whether she is willing to put the aut-idem cross on the recipe for the reasons you mentioned.

Not every doctor does that, so there is the possibility to get “his” preparation in the pharmacy as a desired medicine. The pharmacy marks this on the prescription and the patient pays the full legal selling price of the drug, instead of the 5 or 10 euros, which otherwise accrue to prescription fee. In the case of a three-month package, the price is between 25 and 35€, depending on the manufacturer. The recipe or a photocopy is obtained by returning to your health insurance. With some luck you get a partial amount of the purchase price refunded.

2 years ago

I asked my doctor and she said it was the same ingredients.

Jein. The active compounds contained are exactly the same, but the auxiliaries already differ. Maybe it’s about it.

Otherwise, has already said everything.

2 years ago

Ask your doctor if it’s possible that has something to do with the checkout.

All else is either formation or the carriers of the preparations differ. Look at that.