Älterer Hund geht nach Jahren wieder ins Haus?
Moin, wir haben 2 größere Hunde, die seit ca. 11-12 Jahren draußen im Garten in ihrer Hütte leben. Sie sind trainiert worden unter keinen Umständen ins Haus zu kommen, selbst wenn die Tür komplett offen steht.
Einer der Hund hat seit kurzer Zeit Arthrose und bekommt Medikamente dafür, damit sie nicht allzu viele Schmerzen hat.
Doch seit kurzem fing sie an ins Haus zu gehen. Nicht komplett ins Haus, aber in den Eingangsbereich und bleibt da, bis sie wieder rausgebracht wird. Wir glauben nicht, dass es daran liegt, dass ihr vielleicht etwas wehtut, da sie auch immer draußen geblieben ist, selbst wenn sie sich die Pfote aufgeschnitten hatte oder einen Nagel drinnen hatte.
Kann dieses Verhalten etwas bedeuten?
How heartless can you be?
The old dog has to live outside while you live in the house with any dolls?
Allergy is no reason for me now. Then you would have had to leave the dogs in a loving home instead of putting them in the garden.
The old dog realizes he’s not well and he’s looking for the protection of his pack. And you?
I hope you’ll be fine later. Just deported somewhere. No one should take care of you.
Older dogs become more prettier and your additionally has pain due to the arthorse. Sad you want to keep a family member away from you.
We don’t want to keep the dog away, unfortunately he can’t go to the house because my parents react strongly allergic to her
You didn’t think about a charge when the dogs were young and healthy? Your parents certainly asked the doctor what options there are, right?
Clearly the dog has pain because it is exposed to the air and the weather conditions, which is quite normal in the case of osteoarthritis, the body reacts precisely to moisture, temperature fluctuations, etc. what it is practiced to torment the dog there would be better to redeem him than to let him live further under such conditions. Would you put your grandpa in front of you if he’s in pain?
The dog has a separate cabin outside with wind protection, heating and bed, as it cannot be inside us due to allergies
You write: they believe a paradise here You really that the dog would try to come in if he felt his attitude as paradisic?
and wiso don’t you leave the animal at least in the house entrance? What you do is animal cruelty.
Of course, this behavior of the dog means something.
I’d rather not say anything about what I think about how you’re keeping to the dog. Only so much, there are people who should not keep animals. The sick animal is looking for your closeness because he’s not okay! By the way, all older animals do that.
I had to sit on my fingers, too.
That’s reasonable.
I know something like that.
I slept with the dog on the sofa for four years because he refused to go to the bedroom.
She’s looking for help. She’s bad. She can’t say it.
With all heartlessness, the poor animal seeks your help and protection in his suffering.
She’s probably looking for contact with you. Somehow mistaken to break the sick dog out every time he’s looking for a connection.
Unfortunately, the dog has to get out because otherwise my parents can’t go to the house because of their allergies.
The poodles belong to the pack just like their people. And the two are separated from the pack. It’s not animal-friendly.
probably he loves like a koeine child only that he is old, maybe you can leave him in the iengang area, your elders hopefully don’t live in the entrance area, more dusty there maybe, or if the dog cabin is big you can sleep there too,hahaha I would do that. I know some find that disgusting with the dog in the room to sleep why ever.
but in spite of this I find it nice that they may at least be allowed in the hallway.They probably want to be a little more close and if the parents are allergic they should take something together.They also choose in the old thing which is good to them and physically good and would be unhappy if they were denied it and because of haare for that there are vacuum cleaners
Dogs want to be with their people. And especially older dogs are looking for proximity. Gardening is not kind.
They don’t live directly in the garden, they have their own house with everything you need. Our house is too narrow and cannot be a sanctuary because of the allergy sufferers
They don’t have everything they need – man is missing. And allergy sufferers are more unsuitable than dog owners.
that’s how to isolate high-social animals. Thought that the dog has more contact with you, old dogs have the need for more safety. ? Fearable this indignation
Sad that you have to ask here – the behavior of your dog speaks a clear language…
What kind of stuff have you been lying around in the garden so that your dogs are taking such injuries?
The dog has been hurt 3 times within 11 years, that should not be too bad
is getting cold
I hope you’ll troll!