Looking for an older film about people who can't die. (Thriller) Any movie suggestions?


A long time ago I saw the beginning of a film that I would like to watch but I can't find anything about it on the Internet.

Based on its quality, the film probably came out around 2000 or 2010. It's about humans suddenly becoming immortal. I'm guessing, from what I remember, that it was a thriller, if not a horror. One of the first sequences involved a (I think) black man in a hospital who was alive, even though he was just a head. And no matter what they tried, they couldn't kill off humanity (or anything), which led to immense overpopulation.

That's all I can remember. I'd be crazy if someone had the name of the movie.

Kind regards, Mxtt

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3 months ago


this is the 4th season of the series “Torchwood” (a spin-off of the series “Dr. Who”).

Miracle Day




3 months ago

Maybe Mr. Nobody?


If not, I can recommend The Old Guard. This is also about immortality. ;

3 months ago
Reply to  Mxttsx


3 months ago

the movie you write might
The Happening (2008) by M. Night Shyamalan, but this is rather a thriller than a horror movie, and the “immortality” doesn’t matter directly there. In
The Happening is a mysterious catastrophe where people suddenly start killing themselves, leading to chaos and panic. The exact cause is long unclear, but there are no immortal people.

However, the movie you are looking for could also
The Last Man on Earth or
The Omega Man resemble what science fiction and horror elements include, but they act more of isolation and the effects of a deadly disease or the decay of humanity.

If we focus specifically on “immortal people”, it could also
Twelve Monkeys (1995), however, he is more a thriller and deals with time travels and an apocalypse in which humanity is threatened by a virus.

If you remember more details from the movie, such as certain scenes or characters, I might be more targeted!


3 months ago
Reply to  Mxttsx


3 months ago

Brain crack