Alte Zinnschale, wertvoll?
Vor Jahren kaufte ich auf dem Flohmarkt für 2 € eine alte Zinnschale, jetzt fand ich sie im Keller wieder und möchte sie wieder verkaufen. Möglicherweise ist sie mehr wert als der Einkaufspreis? Die Punze, falls es eine ist, war nicht leicht zu fotografieren
Possibly, it is a bit more value, FR points to Friesland Drinking cups of tin, Friesland or East Friesland. (1) – Tin – 19. Century – Catawiki
She has a lot of patina, she should polish her.
Huch! Didn’t expect a comment anymore! DANKE! I was only rarely in good question I had laboriously photographed and enlarged the stamp (or Punze?), can I upload it afterwards?
Something like that! I’m speechless! That’s exactly my bowl! And not much worth it!
It’s an engraving, don’t think a new picture, more enlightenment. Make it clean, maybe a thin engraving is on the surface. Can you contact me again about this question?
I printed this engraving in A4. At the lower edge I deciphered FR ST and at the top is clearly fine tines. But I can’t see the rest. He had both eyes on the star, since then little girl has been too small for me. Neighbour with eagle eyes can help safely. I’ll get back to you!
I mean, this is the coat of arms of a city that begins with St. (San) in Friesland. Maybe you have time and muse to look for it.
It’s cleaned now. From outside nicely smooth, no engraving But inside unfortunately not. Probably used as a flower pot
Do I, clean carefully, report back
As valuable, I would not necessarily call it; the times of tin buyers have declined sharply.
Many want to sniff their tin parts again.
If you’re lucky, she’ll buy a tin lover at €10.
But I do not think that is valuable:)
It’s almost three times as if it were potential more than 2€. In addition, it is not a nice character move to approach the expectations that someone should pay more than one was willing to invest, unless there is any economic further processing here – which is the case here as this bowl 1:1 is passed on as it was, your own performance here has declined with “storage”.
In your situation, I might just give them to friends because I would have invested only 2€.
For 2 €, I wouldn’t give anything to friends! Would she be worth more, maybe?
Why would that not be an option? If someone looks forward to such a bowl, why not?
only for info; In the net she was sold as a “Friesischer Drinkbecher” for €150! And I’ll keep it!
Because I’m at least ashamed of myself. Except of course the thing is stoned by the stamp!
Put them on the scale. For 1 kilogram you can currently get about 10 €.
Good advice, thank you! I did, she weighs exactly 520 g! So not much more than 2 €