Alte Manga um die 2000-2010?

Hey, ich habe um 2010 rum angefangen Manga zu lesen, aber manchmal Finde ich ein paar alte Manga die ich davor noch nicht kannte und die manchmal echt gut sind!

Kennt ihr im Bereich: Romance, Comedy, Action, Fantasy, Mystery, Psychological…ein paar sehr interessante alte Manga aus dieser Zeit?

Ich bin an einem schönen Zeichenstil interessiert!

Ich habe zum Beispiel schon Alice Academy, Crescent Moon, Maid sama, Akagami no Shorayukihime, Aoharu X Kikanjuu, Hunter X Hunter, Code Geass, Sailor Moon, 07-Ghost gelesen.

Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher das ich bestimmt ein paar noch nicht kenne, immerhin sind nur aktuelle Manga in Läden zu finden und für die alten wird keine Werbung mehr gemacht.


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2 months ago

Dengeki Daisy

Teru has just lost her older brother and is now a mother-seal. Before he died, however, he gave her a phone that connects her to a person who now protects her instead of her brother. Since then, she has received regular SMS from her unknown person, called DAISY, who gives her sense of life. Will Teru come behind the secret of DAISY’s identity?

Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden

In Watase-sans mature and somewhat gloomy style, the story of the 17-year-old Takiko is told. Her father has translated “The Kingdom of the Four Gods” into Japanese and as fate so desires, she is drawn into “The Kingdom of the Four Gods – and finds herself on a snowy mountain of Genbu…

Dawn of Arcana

“How long does Princess Nakaba live?” the peasants whisper in the Kingdom of Belquat. Nakaba married the prince of Belquat to guarantee a fragile peace. But the signs are on war. Your servant and confidant Loki must flee from the court and the young princess is treated like a hostage.

3, 2.1… love!

With their two long braids, Tsubaki looks like a land egg, she’s flashy and skillful in conjuring her little sister’s beautiful hairstyles. It’s no wonder she’s attracting Kyota’s attention at her first high school day. But their encounter is anything but positive. And so Tsubaki misses a new hairstyle from a loud rage!

Fushigi Yuugi

The two pupils Miaka Yuuki and Yui Hongo are the best friends until they are a mysterious book called in the National Library.The Kingdom of the Four Godsthrough which they enter a foreign world similar to medieval China. The universe of the four gods is divided into four domains, each worshipping one’s own God.

Anatolia Story

Yuri Suzuki, a 15-year-old Japanese middle school student, just got her first kiss from her friend Himuro when, after a cinema visit with him, she was drawn to the past by an unscanny poor. There, in the old Anatolia at the time of the Hittites and the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutenchamun, Queen Nakia wants to make her own son Judah king, but only for that the other five princes, who all have different mothers, must be eliminated. To achieve this, she wants to show the princes with a deadly curse, for which she wants to use Yuri, who took her from her time with her magic powers, as a human sacrifice.

Some of them aren’t 100% in your desired period of time, but they might be interested in you anyway. :


2 months ago

Older manga I could suggest:

»+Anima« (Fantasy)

  • German first publication: 2004 – 2006 in 10 volumes.
  • German release: 2009 – 2010 in 5 collection volumes.

Further information:,anima

»Fullmoon wo Sagashite« (Romance)

  • German first publication: 2004 – 2005 in 7 volumes.
  • German re-publication: 2022 in 2 collection volumes (may still be found in shops).

Further information:,full-moon-o-sagashite

“Heads” (Thriller)

  • German first publication: 2006 – 2007 in 4 volumes.

Further information:,heads

“Peppermint Twins” (Romance)

  • German first publication: 2011 in 4 volumes.

Further information:,mint-na-bokura

»The Voices of a Distant Star« (Science Fiction)

  • German first publication: 2008 in 1 volume.
  • German release: 2023 in 1 volume (may still be found in shops).

Further information:,the-voices-of-a-distant-star

2 months ago

Ranma 1/2

In my opinion, a masterpiece (until the last few bands)

And at best, from the same mangaka,


Well, that’s all a little older, I just…

Shaman King

2 months ago

Elves song

Confidential Confessions (but nobody is strong… Is more drama and slice of life title)