Alte DIN-Kennzeichen zulassen (ohne blauen EU Balken)?

Guten Tag sehr geehrte Autofahrer,

ich habe neulich auf einem Supermarktparkplatz einen schönen, alten BMW E21 gesehen. Was mir leider sofort ins Auge stieß, war das Kennzeichen. Das übliche EU Kennzeichen, was m.M.n. nicht zu diesem Fahrzeug passt :/. Ich persönlich finde Old-/Jungtimer mit den alten DIN-Kennzeichen besser, da dies authentischer aussieht. Kann man solche kennzeichen heute noch zulassen?

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4 years ago

This is only possible if you take such a car registered by the previous owner and only rewrite it in the same district instead of registering it again – and this is still possible today.

These old DIN signs have been awarded since approx. 2000/2001 no longer, the combination with H-character and DIN-writing optics was temporarily mentioned as already correctly.

4 years ago

Can you still allow these signs today?

Currently not, this was possible in some federal states in combination with an H approval.

4 years ago

No, these old license plates are only in existence and will not be forgiven.