Alte aber gute Reifen bei der HU, Durchfallkriterium oder kann man innerhalb von 4 Wochen nachbessern?
Hallo, habe mir einen Roller 🛵 125er zugelegt. Dieser ist Baujahr 2008, war aber seit 2020 abgemeldet, und der TÜV also die HU seit 2010 nicht mehr durchgeführt. Der Roller ist auch erst 1200 km gelaufen.
wenn ich jetzt zur HU gehe und die Reifen beanstandet werden, muss ich dann nochmal die vollen Gebühren bezahlen oder kann ich innerhalb 4 Wochen die eventuelle Beanstandung beheben und mit einer kleinen Gebühr diesen Mangel prüfen lassen um dann die Plakette zu erhalten?
vielen Dank für eure Antworten
no, this is presumably contested, but with a small fee can be introduced again within 4 weeks
Hi, no. You just have to pay a low check fee. It is then only then looked at what was previously complained. However, this must be within a month, otherwise a full examination would be due at the full price.
Tyres at the 125s have no maximum age. But if they were to be cracked and porous, they will be moaned.
Then, of course, this would be a serious deficiency -> not a plaque.
Thank you, I’m just about allowing the scooter on Monday, I’ve been overmorning TÜV, even if it doesn’t mean the TÜV, I’m still getting new tires on it. Just don’t make it this week, so my question. thank you again
First, a check does not cost much
Secondly, there is no age limit for tyres.
Only for trailers authorised up to 100 there the tyres may not be older than 6 years.
Nothing else you should not drive old tires anymore
You can basically improve within 6 weeks, the second decrease then costs naturally, but only up to €20.- Graving defects can also lead to immediate shutdown of the vehicle. Old tires don’t belong to it.
I have always done this so far – because I have repaired myself and the TÜV does not undermine any damage, like some workshops.
The tyres are only challenged if they have cracks or too little profile.
The tyre age does not matter to the tester because there are no regulations for this.
Meanwhile no longer, my tester at the motorcycle pointed me to it, but cunently gave the plaque…while the tires looked great,but already 9 years old were
Directly from TÜV:
How old can tyres be, after six years you have to replace them, even if they still have enough profile?
There is no general tyre expiry date. The legislator also does not require a maximum age limit for car tyres.
Then the examiner acted autonomously.
Please show me the appropriate instructions, regulations or whatever he has called.
If I can go back within 4 weeks with a small fee, then everything is good 👌
As I said, there is definitely no age limit, the source (TÜV Thüringen) I have now linked.
I can’t tell you, I just know what the examiner said…I didn’t care because the moped was just bought and I needed for approval…new tires were already ordered, but had 2 weeks delivery time