Alte 10 Pfund Scheine tauschen?
Hallo zusammen, wir fahren am Montag nach London und von den Eltern gerade noch 150 Pfund in 10 Pfundnoten bekommen. Nun mussten wir feststellen, dass diese nicht mehr gültig sind. Weiß jemand ob wir die vor Ort in London noch tauschen können?
Lieben Dank
At the Bank of England in London, the “normal” banks are only possible if you have an account there.
The Bank of England writes:
“The Bank of England Counter at Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8AH is currently open from 9.30am to 3pm Monday to Friday” banknotes
You can try that at any bank store. There you will be guided to the right place.
The normal banks are only if you have an account there. The Bank of England is the right point of contact here.
Look here: banknotes
In London is an office of the Bank of England, where you can trade bills for current times on weekdays.
then you can give it to the waste paper. that will no longer change the case
I’m wrong.
Nonsense. D-Mark is no longer valid, but therefore no waste paper.