Alt-Text wichtig?
Ist dieser Alt-Text etwas Wichtiges beim Verkaufen auf Etsy (und anderen Plattformen).
Kann ich ihn einfach in das Kästchen schreiben oder hat das was mit HTML zu tun…?
Und – erst Deutsch und dann vielleicht Englisch dazu (google Übersetzung, die besser geworfen zu sein schein)?
idk like the platforms. But please do it. It helps people who depend on screenreader are enormous.
The old text should be briefly described what can be seen in the picture and not just as much as the file name.
Yeah, it’s very important. Search engines use it. If you want to sell an article, it must be found beforehand.
Very important? In fact…I have uploaded an image so that we speak of the same – just put a short description in the box now? In German, then in English?
What is indicated and makes sense is the secret of Google. However, you can wait until the Google Bot was there (on the homepage is probably how long it is) and see how a hit from you appears. Do you like the text that is displayed?
Relevant is not only that you write something, but also what Google does.
and: If the text in Google does not appear anywhere, it is not said that it is not in Google. Very likely it is.