Alt tab Blackscreen fix?
Wenn ich Videospiele im Volbild spiele und alt-tabbe bekomme ich 2sec blackscreen, wenn ich windowed-fullscreen spiele ist alles normal, jedoch habe ich dabei performance einbußen, bitte helfen sie mir. (Monitor: ASUS ROG Swift PG248QP –> 500Hz)
Then the ingame resolution and updating rate does not match that on the desktop. Then it takes a short time until the screen has reconfigured. But if it were easy to use Windowed Fullscreen anyway, you don’t have the problem and in general it’s more pleasant to take off games.
both resolutions are equal to 1920×1080
And the picture rate? It plays a role.
Have also tried to make both on 500, was also blackscreen
Yeah, you got your cause.
540hz monitor, however, only 500hz on desktop and in game unlimited
It often takes longer when the game has a different resolution than your desktop. Windows is generally slow to get out. I know the problem of League of Legends. But then I took edgeless windows.
but I set the same resolution on both.
What graphics card or on board solution is used?
Which operating system is used (incl. the current build version, so Windoof) ?
Which browser is used?
What driver is used (version) ?
Win10 / Browser Chrome but it happens in Fortnite and Valorant / graphics cards trieber (of 4060) 546.33 FoxOs( Os Build 19045.2006)