Also ich wurde gestern von meinem Freund mit den Händen an die Decke gefesselt. Danach hat er meinen Pullover mir ausgezogen und Bauch gestreichelt. Normal?
Er hat meinen bauch gestreichelt und Dan hat er eine Kette geholt und hat sie mir an die Brüste gehangen und Pflaster drüber gemacht und er hat immer weiter nach unten gezogen das tat voll weh. Meine Brüste wurden ganz lang gezogen.
Well, that with the fetters, who likes, is okay. I’d like to tie up. But if it hurts, then you should say sleunigst stop!
That’s what you want to do.
You can do a lot and try out. But there are limits for everything. Where, you have to say that and make clear statement. Either you agree to a certain word, or stop or stop means, now my limit is reached. Making a necklace with plaster is something unusual, but it’s going to be a help. I like it with adjustable clips.
To stretch the breasts a little, no matter which direction can also make both fun. But that must also be clear in the thoughts that there is also a pain limit. Mine is also quite low, but still I like it up to the border, occasionally.
You have to talk about it and you, especially your friend, have to be clear that what is shown in various films is only made with special models and, in addition, by skillful camera guidance and image processing, something will be exaggerated, that is not quite real.
So, you can try a lot, but how far you can go is a very individual thing. For example, a small firm chest cannot be stretched as a somewhat hanging chest.
Talk to each other and then I wish you both a lot of fun at your games!
Calls bdms as far as I know. It’s more normal for some, less for me.
how to pull the pulli out when you are tied with the hands on the deck?
Remove it with scissors