Also ich habe plötzlich einfach 3kg zugenommen?
Also ich bin 14 170cm groß und ein Junge und habe plötzlich einfach mehr als 3kg zugenommen ohne Grund eigentlich .Tue täglich viel laufen eigentlich und so und deswegen mache Krafttraining deswegen wundert es mich etwas könnte wer sagen woran es liegen könnte?
Maybe the scale doesn’t work properly, can be or you might have eaten more subconsciously and you didn’t even notice it, and even at your age in the dark season, if you don’t get out more often, you can also increase it even if you aren’t that much, have been observed with me too often!
Either your scale is broken or you just ate too much when your weight gain occurred within a few days, it’s pretty likely that just spun the scale.
This can be normal fluctuations, water retention. This can be done within 2-3 days.
Consider that muscle mass weighs more than an untrained body.
Happy for you
Normally the muscles build up well
The reason is that humans are now increasing muscles due to the training loads. And this mass makes the extra weight.
Found in Google
Weight fluctuations up to three kilos are normal, don’t make your head.
“from (…) to three kilos”?
the ” of ” I forgot to remove.