Also es gibt ja Serien wo sie ja S.. machen aber ist das geschauspielert oder machen sie das wirklich?
Also neulich hab ich die Thailändische Serie KinnPorsche the Serie geguckt und da waren halt Szenen wo sie es halt getrieben haben und meine Frage ist Jz tun sie es wirklich also GV oder machen sie es nicht?
hoffe auf hilfreiche Antworten
There are rumors that some actors actually had sex in front of the camera.
As it is in your series, I don’t know.
Can happen which really sleep with each other but then because they want it and not because they need it. Otherwise, it would be another kind of film/series.
It looks real, but if you see more, these are more body doubles and not the real actors.
It’s usually just played. Otherwise it would be pornography
They are contractually obliged to make S**
Oh God and that before the camera
Don’t let you troll.
In most series and films this does not happen, there is always Fake