Als Vollzeit Schülerin Geld verdienen?
Guten Abend,
ich muss langsam anfangen für meinen Führerschein zu sparen, habe da aber ehrlich gesagt keinen Plan wie ich das am besten mache.
Von meinem Taschengeld kann ich mir 10€ maximal 15€ zur Seite legen.
Minijob ist kaum/ gar nicht möglich da wir in nem Kaff wohnen mit nicht mehr als 1000 Einwohnern und ich oft nicht vor 16:30 zuhause bin und da eben kaum Möglichkeiten sind
Nachbarn haben da auch keine „Mini Jobs“
Wenn noch jemand ernsthafte Ideen hat gerne her damit, danke im Vorraus!
Vllt in the weekend a day in a restaurant nearby
Have you already written that this is not an option?
Why isn’t it an option?
You’re not at school.
Because I still don’t get there.
You will have any infrastructure, people with children or newspapers/leafers to be distributed.
Or you’ll do something in the place where you go to school right after school and go home.
I guess you’re just looking for a simple way where you don’t have to leave the house.
Edit. According to your profile, you’re 22 years old. What have you done for the last few years that you still go to school? You’ll have friends, acquaintances who can take you to the job and pick you up. Or your parents. Or by bike.
I’m 17 and that’s my profile. Of course, there are infrastructures here – only do not take people who can only start from 16:30. And if the travel costs are higher than the salary, it makes little sense, besides the fact that my family and co have enough to do.
Hm, okay. I could swear, before there was a birth year in 2002.
On the Internet there are pages on which you can give help online.
I don’t know if newspapers are an option for you, but you could try that.
There’s only the weekend to work. Maybe someone can drive you and pick you up if Öffis don’t drive. This is the standard in the country, which is why the driving licence is so important.
Second alternative: find a pre-financer, after passing examination and with access to a car with a good job to stutter the costs in rates.
Give me some help.