Als vegetarier fleisch gegessen?
Ich weiß das klingt jetzt erstmal dumm weil man sich jetzt denkt „ wenn man fleisch isst ist mein kein Vegetarier“ genau dazu hätte ich jetzt gerne mal eure Meinung. Ich habe seit 7 Monaten kein Fisch und Fleisch mehr gegessen, bin aber heute beim weihnachtsessen mit der Familie nicht mehr ausgekommen und habe ein Stück Fleisch mitgegessen. Mir war danach echt übel und ich fühle mich Mega schlecht ( folglich werde ich auch vegetarisch bleiben) meine Frage wäre jetzt wie schlimm findet ihr das oder findet ihr es ist vertretbar und kann ich mich jetzt überhaupt noch als Vegetarier bezeichnen? Danke schonmal für alle antworten
Everyone should have what he wants and should also have his own opinion for themselves and not tell anyone else what he has to do
It’s not bad. Do what feels right for you.
you can eat what you want and call you what you want.
but you have to be aware of one thing:
self-control stress makes sick.
if my family mocked over my habits, I would get up and go.
what I draw on my teller is still my thing. if someone came on the idea to just put something on the teller I don’t want to eat, I’ll leave it.
that with that seems to have more psychic Causes with you. you can make the stress yourself.
Yeah, I think that with the stomach is the psyche. Thank you for your answer
Absolutely. I would ask for a new plate and point out that they know I don’t eat it.
Not bad at all. There is no “veganist God.”
I also have vegetarians in the family. They eat quite normal meat while visiting. Otherwise they don’t eat meat, or rarely meat.
Everyone can do that as he can.
That’s not a tragedy.
I think that your family – obviously – does not respect your attitude.
You should work on this:
Not by convincing them, but by learning to stand self-certified!
Exercise makes the Master, believe me…;)
All the best for you – if you’re supposed to nerve again, get up and go!
Thank you for your answer. Yes for them, this was kind of this aspect 1 times a year already and I’m then at some point still kinked in advance and I said that one time. In retrospect, however, I should have been really easy for myself and should say that I don’t want to do that even if it’s only 1 times. You learn from mistakes.
You need to know if that’s okay for you. You wouldn’t be a vegetarian anymore, but if you don’t eat meat and fish again, you’re a vegetarian again.
All right