Als Sozialassistent bei Tagesmutter arbeiten?

Hey, ich würde gerne wissen ob sich jemand damit auskennt ob man als Staatlich anerkannte Sozialassistentin bei einer Tagesmutter mitarbeiten darf? Hier sucht gerade eine Unterstützung und ich würde mich gerne bewerben. Vielen Dank im voraus.

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9 months ago

Daily parents usually work on an independent basis. In this context, they can also hire employees. Whether and what qualifications are required for what activities depends, in turn, on the requirements of the authority which makes the permission for this activity. This, however, does not have to be your problem as an employee, to check and to comply with it, but is completely in the responsibility of the daily parents themselves!

9 months ago

You’re supposed to be a cleaning lady or a baker there. It depends on what your future employer claims to his staff.

However, most day-mothers (or what that means) don’t throw enough to pay lush wages. Rechne with minimum wage.