Als Pflegehilfskraft in der Schweiz arbeiten?
Hallo, ich bin Krystian eine Pflegehilfskraft männlich (20) aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, nicht ausgebildet.
Ich habe eine 2 Jahre Erfahrung in der Pflege, und möchte in der Schweiz arbeiten, bzw Norwegen, West-Deutschland, Holland etc.
Wie geht das? Ich bräuchte natürlich auch eine zusätzliche Unterkunft.
Meine Oma aus Polen arbeitet seit über 20 Jahren in West-Deutschland als Pflegerin nicht ausgebildet, und hat sehr gutes Geld.
Auch in West-Deutschland ist es möglich zu arbeiten, ich suche nur nach viel Geld. Mein Wunsch : über 2000€ Netto.
Well, I think your grandma’s on the move as a private nurse. It is not possible to forget that they often work like body-owners without real leisure for longer periods.
Even there, I don’t know if it goes through a company or through the brokerage, whether you can do it as a fishing officer.
If you go to Switzerland, you will also have enormous rental costs. That’s what you have to do.
For Norway, you should be able to speak at least English for the start and for the lasting stay you must learn Norwegian (believe, within 3 years)
In Switzerland, caregivers are sought, but only with training. Only with experience you don’t get a job here and therefore no residence permit.
Whether it’s easier to be hired privately, I’m aware of it. The people I know who work privately in care also have training.
You don’t get as an assistant. Except in Switzerland. But after deducting all costs, you probably only have 500 euros left
In Switzerland you definitely deserve enough there you get min 4.4k I meant
Without training, you hardly get a job in the care sector in Switzerland.
There are also helpers in Switzerland.
If I look at private clinics, I’m not so sure.
Yes, some of them already have a maintenance/work permit. Gives the SRK course.
There’s hardly anyone going to get to the country.
If you come from abroad and have no authorisation yet?