As a commuter, use the commute to work?
Hello to all with over two hours commute:
Do you use this time as work time? It's actually only permitted for business trips. However, that adds up to quite a few hours, and you could use those hours for emails, which would also make the time go by more quickly and effectively.
How do you handle this?
No! Since the job path does not count as working hours and is therefore your private pleasure!? Why should you make a single finger for it?
for the reasons described: to make good use of time and to be able to return home
Of course you can work like that. The question is more whether you can and whether the employer recognizes it as a working time.
I won’t. I am seated at the wheel and therefore have my attention to the driver of the vehicle.
I added it.
The functionbut only at office jobs.
Not really.
How about examples?
What about craftsmen sellers. My three. All from taxi to truck drivers. They got their job in the company there’s nothing you could do professionally.
I added
Then my answer has taken place….
The boss’s wife, that was earlier.
It worked. Now there’s a specialist behind every craftsman.
They are overwhelmed and overloaded.
The craftsman must note every handle and take photos.
And I’m coming with you, I don’t have a driving license
So that with us a craftsman who came to the house renovation of our 2nd house and all the works were also masons, then those who installed the WP with us, no one came with the Öffis Per car or on foot. they also came electricians to us the installers of the WP from the village. Be the boss’s wife.
I’m at the bottom of the food chain
As a boss, it may be. He usually drives cars or vans, not Öffis.
I’m a craftsman myself. There’s a lot of paperwork. There’s no one in the office
That tells you your job contract
No and that is not the question
You can.
If you’re paid, that’s what your contract says.